How to clean the washing machine


How to clean the washing machine

Buying even the most expensive washing machine will not protect you from her sudden breakdown or clogging. Periodically, any washing machine should be cleaned. In today's article, we will tell you how to clean it from scale, mold and dirt.

Why clean the washing machine

Often, various dirt and mineral sediments are accumulated on a plastic or metal surface, which appear for several reasons:

  • the use of rigid water;
  • improper operation of the washing machine;
  • The use of low-quality detergents containing too many chemistry.

Unfortunately, many mud accumulations are in hard-to-reach places, which significantly complicates the cleaning process, over time it can lead to a serious breakdown of the washing machine, the repair of which can cost considerable money. Therefore, manufacturers recommend cleaning the washing machine at least 2 times a month.

Cleaning the car from above

This is definitely the easiest and most obvious way to maintain the purity of your washing machine. Even with the most accurate handling of equipment, not to smear during washing the washing machine with long-term use is almost impossible. It remains spots from washing powder, water and bleach.

In order to clean such pollution, often a rag moistened in warm water. For efficiency, you can add some dishwashing fluid.


Cleaning the drum from the inside

As soon as you feel the unpleasant smell inside the typewriter, know, it's time to clean the drum. To get rid of unpleasant odors, it is enough to fill the machine with hot water (for this you can turn on hot water cycle and stop the washing mode as soon as the machine is filled), pre-bay bleach or cleaner for washing machines in the drum.

Initially, it should be turned on for a while the washing cycle so that the bleach is mixed with water, and then turn off and leave for an hour. This simple cleaning method will help remove the dirt and mold, which becomes first the cause of a bad smell, and in the future they can lead to the vehicle breakdown. It is recommended to clean the filter once every 3 months.

The drum of the washing machine is one of the most vulnerable places where lime deposits accumulate. If you do not pay attention to them, then very soon your technique will fail and will need expensive repairs. For prophylaxis during washing, use special means to soften water.


Methods for cleaning the washing machine from scale

Let's try to figure out what kind of money for washing machines is better to apply. A good cleaning agent for washing machines should satisfy three prerequisites:
  1. Being safe for clothes and for a person who wears it.
  2. Effectively clean the inner surface of the washing machine from lime deposits and powder residues.
  3. Being secure for the machine itself is not to harm metal, rubber and plastic parts of the washing machine.

From paragraph 1 It follows that you can immediately discard all scheduling products from scale, which are used during washing together with linen. Since any means really removing scale is a weak acid solution. In practice, those tools that are used during washing are nothing more than water softeners. They partly prevent the formation of a new scale, but the existing calcium deposits and powder are absolutely not removed.

From paragraph 2 and 3 It follows that although sulfuric and hydrochloric acid, acetic essence and citric acid can be cope with the cleaning of the internal surfaces of the machine, but all these acids adversely affect both metal and rubber cuffs and nozzles, accelerating the process of "aging" of rubber, or feeding it . For the same reason, it is not necessary to use in the washing machine from scale, intended for electric kettles (there are no rubber pipes for water in the teapots, but in the washing machine there are plenty of them).

Therefore, it is best to use good cleaning products that are often produced by the manufacturers of washing machines themselves, and which satisfy the three above requirements.

Cleaning hoses and filters

This is no less important part of the cleaning of the washing machine than all the previous ones. If you do not clean filters and hoses from various contaminants, then in the future, the breakdowns of the washing machine cannot be avoided.

For cleaning, we need a container for draining dirty water and a rag on the floor so that the water from the drain does not spread under the machine. Open the cover of the panel, followed by the filter, find there an emergency drain hose and drain water from it. Just make sure that the water in the hose is no longer, then you can move to the filter seizure. And then you should clean all the dirt from the pitch of the filter. It can be hair, fluff and just pieces of dirt, our task is to clean everything too much, after which you can safely insert the filter back.


Follow the cleanliness in the car constantly

You should not leave wrapped clothes for a long time in the car, since the wet warm environment contributes to the reproduction of mold and fungus. Because of them, in addition to unpleasant smell, the performance of the washing machine is significantly worse. Once all things are reached, they should be placed on the rope, or shift into another container.



Thus, even if a certain moisture remains in the machine, it will dry quickly due to ventilation. If there are many wet drills in the machine, then they are better won with a rag dry.

Thanks to such unacceptable and fairly simple advice, the washing machine will last longer and all this time will be a real assistant for its owners.

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