How to make bamboo yourself


"1. Last summer, son-in-law and daughter, knowing my love for all African, gave me Papyrus. It was in Paris in Paris, this papyrus was on the purchase on the tablet under glass and glass pressed with metal brackets. Naturally, coming home, I found that glass smashed, even a papyrus and packaged carefully ... Almost half a year he lay rolled into the tube, then I decided it was. In a barn workshop, I thought how much it would cost (subframe, frame, glass, on which the masters insisted) and decided Lies rolled my papyrus.

Master class of frame Pasparta Modeling Design How to make bamboo yourself? Easy material catch photo 1


On the left of the batik, which I brought me from Africa, there the frame I ordered in the workshop, under the bamboo. Conference, I wanted to be a bamboo frame. In a building store, bamboo different diameters, but nobody sold one stick, they Somehow there according to a special person ... beams, as a result, it turns out not cheap ... And the hunting of the capture! I began to look for options and found! Here hence, in fact, the bamboo secret begins))

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The fact is that in my bamboo frame bamboo, there is no! I found the idea and something like MK in the internet. I will show your photo how I did a bamboo personally. Maybe the one who put this MK in the internet - our resident and recognizes his brainchild, I will be glad to meet, do not in any way pretend to authorship!

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For a bamboo frame, thin dense tubes from foil or food film are needed. The tubes may differ slightly in diameter, the same bamboo, and in nature it is different.

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I cut the tube, but it seems to me, too, I can, for example, saved, because I had little tubes and I like it more when the flat side in the frame.

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First fitting. The subframe glued out of 2 corrugated cardboard sheets, the front side was covered with velvet adhesive film, back wallpaper. On the upper crossbar it can be seen that the size of the tubes is different.

Master class of frame Pasparta Modeling Design How to make bamboo yourself? Easy material catch photo 6


Each prepared "stick" pasted with some wrapping paper (found in the covers) under the paper in several places pasted a jute rope (future bamboo rings) there, where the difference between the diameters of the tube, too, wound the thread, pre-gluing the tube with the imposition of more smaller.

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Dropped from glue tubes cover a brown putty (I'm fine with my finger, everything was missed, paying attention to jumpers).

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When the tubes were dried, I carefully treated with shallow emery paper. In the places of the jumpers hovered with a brown paint with brown paint and, without waiting for her drying, as it would stretched the paint away from the jumpers, thereby making the transition of the color smooth and natural. Photo, unfortunately, carried away by the process, I forgot to do, but the principle, I think, is clear. Who wants a certain color of the bamboo (under the interior, for example) paints with its shades, I almost did not paint, the putty was brown, plus I stretched brown paint with Jumpers and with varnish coating, the color has become darker and brighter, so I left this option.

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Well, another corner.

Master class of frame Pasparta Modeling Design How to make bamboo yourself? Easy material cast photo 10

Shared-Poltava Galushka.

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