Create a good for the sake of a child


I want to share with you an unusual gift for a kindergarten, who presented a parent of one of the groups of kindergarten.

From the main entrance to the left hand he lit up the trunks, the stork blockingly digestedly meets, funny frogs are careful, and those cherry squabble, in every way tease and smile. And the world and friendship they have! They are broadcast by all passing, wanting good luck, well-being and happiness!

Create a good for the sake of a child

The train is near the wheels knocking, every wagon color of the rainbow is in a hurry (in the kindergarten six groups - so many trains, and both flowers bloom and children in this group live.

Create a good for the sake of a child

On the right side, the village rummaged. Come-come! Russian Paints Fair Consider: goods are different and everyone is pretty, for every taste and color! What is just not!

Create a good for the sake of a child

Tired traveler can drink water to get drunk and work the mill to enjoy. Birds are also actively in the village everyone learn and do not leave without their attention!

Create a good for the sake of a child

Smoothly go to the courtyard ... And where do you turn your eyes?

Poultry house !!! Here you will meet Peter-Cockerel, Zadira-Goose, chick-chicken with small children-chickens and clarification with future ducklings.

Create a good for the sake of a child

We go further. A flower garden arose to the joy of adults and children, the mountain of treasures of the unblend, on the protection of which are facing magic gnomes.

Create a good for the sake of a child

Who, who is there such a spotted and big? Yes, and next to a dog that having a nickname fearless! And how much dawn cow gives milk? Well, yes, you did not see yet

Create a good for the sake of a child

And here and friends-charming - the nose with a patch, the tail of the crochet! Meet guys, it is a rose and a monastery.

Create a good for the sake of a child

Quickly on the walking areas of groups, they will be slaughtered, what's new appeared, show hurry!

Traveling stone at the crossroads reads: ATTENTION! Good traveler! Go left - come to friends.

Create a good for the sake of a child

Right go - to the source of live water you will come.

Create a good for the sake of a child

So you drink the driver and enjoy the singing of the wonderful birds.

You will go left - on the site of group number 6 you will fall.

Create a good for the sake of a child

Apple tree came with our fruits, the mirror for the laugant guys appeared, a room of a village hut, and still - recognition, recognition of children in love!

Create a good for the sake of a child

Create a good for the sake of a child

Not indifferent professionals, loving children, work and constantly creating people, parents with recognition say:

"Thank you, respect your work and really appreciate!

Years spent together will be remembered positively and bright! "

How can it be otherwise? - After all, the motto of collaboration with his parents sounds like this: "We will create good for the baby!"

Create a good for the sake of a child

Goodbye, our favorite kindergarten, and maybe to new meetings.

And, hello, school!

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