Application of aluminum foil, or food foil for all occasions


Aluminum Food Foil is the finest flexible aluminum sheet, the minimum thickness of which reaches 0.001 mm. Food foil is used mainly by many hostesses in culinary matters for cooking and storing food. Being a non-toxic material, the foil does not give the products of any third-party odors and tastes. In addition, it does not absorb fats and misses the fluid. But, like many subjects, it can be applied for more and for other purposes.

It is about this today's conversation.

Aluminum Food Foil

First, a little about the ways of using foil in the kitchen specifically for those who are not yet informed. Want to bake cupcakes, but there are no molds in the house? No problem. Fold the foil sheet (if the foil is thin) in 3-4 layers and form any forms.

You have not yet acquired a culinary syringe or a cult, but want to bake a beautiful cake? And in this case, the foil roller will come to your aid to help. Roll the foil sheet with a small hole at its end, fill with cream and can safely begin to design a cake.

Metal urinary for laundering Kitchen utensils came into disrepair? And here it is to help the foil: crumple a piece of sparkling leaflet (you can even already used) into a dense ball and it will easily replace you with a washcloth to clean the pan or a saucepan.

Also very easily such a ball with a detergent for dishes will eliminate the remains of food or other dirt from glass items.

Application of aluminum foil

Also very easily such a ball with a detergent for dishes will eliminate the remains of food or other dirt from glass items. And a few more tricks on the use of foil in the kitchen:

• Wrap the foil eggs before sending them to cook - they are not filled in the process of cooking;

• If you didn't have funnels in the farm, turn the foil piece in half, then give it a cone shape and cut the tip;

• If you need to save sausage as long as possible, cheese or edible oil, wrap them in foil (each product, of course, separately);

Application of aluminum foil

• If you can't find a cover or a bottle cap in the household, roll a piece of foil into a very tight tube and close the open vessel;

• If you are cooked food to complete in foil, it will stay warm for a long time, which is very relevant during long-distance trips;

• If the top of the unambiguous cake in the oven began to burn, cover it with a sheet of foil and continue baking;

• If you cook food in foil, it will be very juicy, soft and gentle, while the products will still retain all its useful properties;

• If you do not want to spend the forces to laundering the surface of the plate, bottom or door of the oven when burning or baking the fatty products (meat, fish), shut them with foil before starting cooking - your plate and oven will remain clean;

• If you, going to go, forgot to buy disposable dishes, grab the foil roller with you, you can easily build plates or cups from it.

But in addition to the use of foil in culinary purposes, there is still a mass of methods (sometimes unusual) use of this industrial product in household affairs, which few people know. Fill and this gap.

Now about how you can use foil in everyday life do you have a well showing TV? Not surprising, because most film players video player (DVD), as a rule, stands next to the TV or under it, which is often the cause of interference on the TV reception screen. Eliminate this inconvenience will help the foil sheet, laid between these two devices.

Can't smooth out solar folds on the fabric? This is because the ironing board itself in the process of ironing absorbs a lot of heat issued by the iron. Take advantage of a simple reception: to put a piece of foil under the ironing board, the fabric thing is top with it and spend several times on it using steam. The foil will act in this case as a heat reflector, therefore folding will be smoothed faster and easier.

The sole of your iron was covered with layers? Spend on the foil sheet several times with a warm iron, and your heating device spums up with its novelty.

Does your scissors fumbled completely? Fold a thick foil sheet at least 4 layers and make a stupid scissors several cutting movements.

Application of aluminum foil

Dark glimpses appeared on your favorite mirror? "Site" from the back of the mirror small patchwork from foil, thereby disguising the problem areas.

The remote control from the TV or DVD, a children's toy or flashlight work with interruptions?

Surely the springs for fastening the batteries are broken and weakened, which caused poor contact. Insert the folded piece of the foil between the battery and the spring.

Application of aluminum foil

Your Christmas decorations came to a terrifying look or you do not know how to make a housing for New Year holidays? Wrap the old Christmas tree toys foil, thereby giving them a more recent look. Take rooms with the same snowflakes, colors and bows carved from it.

Freeze in winter, despite the hot cast iron batteries? You can fix the position by placing a cardboard sheet between the battery and the wall of the apartment, glistening with a less shiny side. Heat from the battery will reflect the foil into the room, and not in the wall. You gathered to paint the door or wall in the bathroom, but you do not have a painted scotch at hand? Also not trouble. Wrap the protruding items (cranes, door handles, locks) before the start of the "fighting".

Does your table silver sweat and became unsightly? Do not despair. You can return the original glitter with silver products by conducting an easy procedure: check the bottom of the pan or other tank with foil, spread silver items on it, pour with half liters of cold water and add 60 g. Salts. After 4-12 hours of withstanding in such a solution, your silver sparkle again.

The same method will help you when cleansing jewelry, if they are without pebbles.

And in order to prevent the formation of dark spots on silver items, keep them, wrapped in foil.

Here, perhaps, all the secrets on the use of foils we wanted to share with you.

You can only remember everything described above or plunge into a separate daddy on your computer desktop.

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