Coffee table from the old tire


Coffee table from the old tire

Usually, small architectural forms are built of old tires: ponds with fountains, vases and colors for flowers, greenhouses, and so on, and we will try to make garden furniture. Let's start with the coffee table for a gazebo or kindergarten.

For its manufacture, you will need an old automotive, preferably, wide-profile bus, the wider, the better.

Any affordable means must be cut in half. For the coffee table, one half of the tires will need, it must be turned inside out - the process is quite time consuming, requiring enough physical forces.

Old tire

The legs of the M12 bolts are used as the legs of 200 mm long, holes are drilled under the tires. To give greater stiffness to the feet of the legs, a wooden platform is made, in which at an angle of 45 degrees is drilled for bolts - table legs.

Coffee table

Coffee table

Let's start making countertops. Two semicircular skins are cut across the width of the tire and and are attached screws to its edges. Install the strut.

Coffee table

Designated from the board a shield to the resulting design, we supply the tires along the contour and cut. The resulting countertop, if necessary, squeak, paint or varnish.

Coffee table

In order to hide the inner frame cutting out of the board of the sidewall. Power and sidewalls are attached to the place, all - the coffee table for the garden is ready.

Coffee table

This homemade coffee table is made entirely of utilles, i.e. The old car tire, boards from the old stakenice, even the screws were used, and the result, as we see, it turned out very not bad.

Coffee table from the old tire

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