Make wire fingers for toys


Make wire fingers for toys

I adore knit animals. And often in my works there are legs with thin wire fingers, which must be carefully wrapped with yarn.

Frankly, the work is painstaking, requires great accuracy and patience.

How to make it so that the tips of the wire on the fingers is not visible?

I tried different ways to winding. But often it turned out not very neat. The drop of glue is too big, then the thread slipped.

Today I will talk about my new method.

For this we will need:

- glue "super-moment";

- thin copper wire, with a diameter of 0.5-0.6 mm;

- Yarn.

I want to tell on the example of a mouse of Puffa.

To begin with, we need to calculate the length of the wire for one foot.

Puffa's fingers are very long, thin, each 2.5 cm. Four fingers will need 20 cm. We add another 10 cm on bends and palm, 10 cm on the paw and another 15 cm on twisting inside the body. It turns out 55 cm. It is better to cut off with a margin.

It should be noted on the wire segment the beginning of the first finger. Conspine with the help of glue "super-moment" thread and wrapped around the spiral about 30 cm. For convenience, you can twist a long wire and unwind it as the threads are wound. At the end of the thread consolidate.

Make wire fingers for toys

Form four fingers. Each finger is complete. Having reached the tip, no longer need to apply a lot of glue and wind out several layers of yarn.

After winding all your fingers, make a palm. To do this, determine the thread in different directions.

Make wire fingers for toys

Make wire fingers for toys

Make wire fingers for toys

Make wire fingers for toys

Make wire fingers for toys

Make wire fingers for toys

Make wire fingers for toys

Make wire fingers for toys

One little trick.

Often in the description of the toy frame is made from one long wire segment. It goes to the wire loops of the front and rear paws. From each such loop, legs with fingers are formed.

Divide this large segment into four parts: two parts for the front paws and two - on the rear paws. Cut your fingers on each paw lighter, and then curb the carcasters inside the body.

I hope my method will help you in your work. Success in creative work!

And here is a mouse fuff.

Make wire fingers for toys

Shared MK Vera Terekbayev.

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