Repair of natural fur


Products with natural fur expensive. And very disappointing when fur breaks are obtained on his beloved thing. It does not matter how everything happened - the threads that he sewn or would be randomly broken. If you contact the workshop to repair the product, then surely it pleasure will be in a round sum. Today I will tell you how to repair the fur on my own and at home.

Only at first glance it may seem that it is very complicated and infidency. And I advise you to try to make repair with your own hands.

I will start repairing a men's fur coat.

The break of the fur begins directly on the seam of the sloppy pocket and the uneven line is lowered down by about 15 cm.

Repair of natural fur

First of all, you need to get to the place of rupture from the wrong side. We inspect the bottom of the product. Sometimes the lining is not sewn downward (on the decelet) and then access to the invalid side of the fur is free. And what if the subdet is connected to the top of the product? And I just have such a case. I turn the sleeves and looking for a seam, sewn from above. Swing it. This is a feeding hole through which the fur coat turned out after assembling lining and top. But through the sleeve it will be inconvenient to repair the place of gap. Therefore, I swing in the sub-seam of the joints of the top of the fur coats and lining by 20-25 cm. Now access to the torn place is quite free.

I have a thin fur and therefore I take the finest hand needle and subtle threads (60-70). I begin with small stitches to sew a fur on the seam along the pocket on the involving side of the fur coast. Prohibitioning immediately two layers of fur, the needle as closer to the edge of the Mebra, the thread passes on top of the edge. Subsequent stitches do as close as possible. Ib mustard furs' tips on the front side. Thus, we make the whole break of the fur.

Repair of natural fur

I want to advise for a rough and thick member to take a needle and thicker thicker and stitches to do further from each other. For thin and soft member, the needle and thread thin and stitches are frequent.

And so, I have been glowing on a natural fur manually. With the front side, the needle well straighten the fur in the seam made. Repair of natural fur is not yet over and not to leave so I do not advise, you still have to sneak the place of gap.

Repair of natural fur

For gluing natural fur, as well as genuine leather, I use shoe glue "Moment Marathon" (see photo). It glues well and the bonding place remains soft, plastic. To glue the fur, I will need a cloth as a gasket. I use a harsh coast. If so is not, then you can take another cotton fabric. I cut the flat from the fabric along the length of the break and the width of a little more, about 1.5 cm. I have a gap uneven and therefore I need 2 fabric strips. Well lubricating glue on the involving side of the seam break 1-1.5 cm wide and from above we put the harvested strips from the harsh bosy. I stick the speaker on the wrong side of the pocket. This will fasten your pocket at the breakdown.

According to the instructions for glue, add a glued place with a heavy item and leave for 24 hours.

Repair of natural fur

It remains to firm on the sewing machine. Split sutures at the bottom of the fur coats and in the sleeve. Repair the fur coats is over. The place of breaking of fur on the front side is almost impaired.

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