Multicolor knitting without confusion in clubs


Multicolor knitting without confusion in clubs

This is truly all ingenious simply.

Who among us does not like multicolor knitting? However, constant confusion in the tangle can sometimes discourage any hunt. With patchwork still wherever nothing went, but Jacquard and wavy stripes are already a punishment.

Therefore, today we are pleased to know you with the wonderful idea of ​​Tashashu (Svetlana).

We take the usual box (I took from under your boot, it is big). A cardboard grille is inserted into it (as for storing Christmas toys). So that the yarn does not cling to the cardboard all the upper cuts of the lattice wrapped a wide scotch.

Holes are made in the lid. I did 12, but in principle their quantity depends on the number of cells in the box. In order for the thread easily sliding through the holes, I secured them with ordinary metal champs.

When working, it remains only to cross the threads on the reverse side of knitting. That's all the adaptation and results of experiments. Knick with pleasure!

Multicolor knitting without confusion in clubs

Multicolor knitting without confusion in clubs

Multicolor knitting without confusion in clubs

Multicolor knitting without confusion in clubs

Isn't it great?

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