Sew pasta ears that do not distinguish from real


Sew pasta ears that do not distinguish from real

I want to tell you and show how I make naturalistic ears.

The hero will be a fox.

Prepare everything you need:

- Pattern Ear;

- material for the ears (in my case - a beautiful miniature fur with a pile of 3 + 6 mm, an artificial double-sided suede, an artificial white fur with a pile of 40 mm - for gun (small strip);

- Threads (to choose the color of the thread to cross the details of different colors, I take a thread of the color, which then will be easy to toned in the color of darker), namely, I have brown and black items, take brown threads, if suddenly there will be somewhere It can be seen (on the black part), I can toned the visible part of the thread into a black color;

- needle needle, pins for rocking parts;

- Wire (I have aluminum 1.5 mm);

- glue moment-crystal, toothpick;

- Shilo;

- Head of toys.

Let's proceed:

Prepare the pattern and make items - parts made of fur for miniatures Crow on the main pattern, and the details of the suede reduce in height of 4 mm.

Sew pasta ears that do not distinguish from real

Sew pasta ears that do not distinguish from real

Cut out the strip of fur with a pile of 40 mm, equal to a height of 4 mm, in length - the width of the bottom of the bottom.

Sew pasta ears that do not distinguish from real

Sew pasta ears that do not distinguish from real

We fold the fur strip and suede the front sides, the stripes we have the bottom of the details from suede so that the pile is directed to the top of the ear.

Sew pasta ears that do not distinguish from real

Sew pasta ears that do not distinguish from real


Sew pasta ears that do not distinguish from real

Sew pasta ears that do not distinguish from real

We fold the details of the case with the front parties (fur inside).

Sew pasta ears that do not distinguish from real

Sew pasta ears that do not distinguish from real

We sew, leaving the bottom not sewn.

Sew pasta ears that do not distinguish from real

Soak. It turned out like this:

Sew pasta ears that do not distinguish from real

We try on a wire to the eye. We make a contemporance (sharp angle) and wound along the contour the ear, the ends are freely with a margin (!) Take the earls on the edges.

Sew pasta ears that do not distinguish from real

We insert the wire in the eye.

Sew pasta ears that do not distinguish from real

We take a little glue on the toothpick, we wash the ear inside, starting from the tip and not reaching a little to the non-stitched Niza (so that it does not interfere with the edges later), and press, smooth, press again.

Sew pasta ears that do not distinguish from real

The area's area glues, and the wire will remain along the contour of the ear and will not be able to move to its middle (due to the glued fabric).

Sew pasta ears that do not distinguish from real

Sew pasta ears that do not distinguish from real

Now you need to adjust the lower edge inside and sew a secret seam (as ordinary ears). I add to the toothpick and make stitches. In the corners, I also fasten the wire also stitch.

Sew pasta ears that do not distinguish from real

Sew pasta ears that do not distinguish from real

We do similarly by the second ear, the ends of the wire cut, I have 3-4 cm.

Sew pasta ears that do not distinguish from real

Take the hero's head and make fitting. I insert the ends of the wire, it will provide us with firmly standing ears. We make a selection of holes in the head, refuel the ends of the wire in the holes (requires skillers). We are sewn to the head of a secret seam in the usual way.

Sew pasta ears that do not distinguish from real

Sew pasta ears that do not distinguish from real

Well, almost everything! It remains to restore the marafet - to take a tree with scissors for branch (or simple) and toned the ears along the contour (and maybe inside - who like it!).

Sew pasta ears that do not distinguish from real

Sew pasta ears that do not distinguish from real

Anastasia Argeeva shared.

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