Tables from machine parts


All men love cars, motorcycles and speed, it is probably in our blood. But which of them boasts such luxurious tables from the details of the same machines. \

And what tables do they have in the garages? I myself never guessed to make a table from wrenches, asterisks, all kinds of springs, nuts, bearings framed by chain. But how many of these are once useful and necessary tools and details are thrown out! From this day, I decided not to throw anything, and the fact that there is still in the garage, to take and clean from rust. I think to make yourself a table from the details of cars, I advise you and you think about it.

Furniture made of old parts of machines, including tables, this is something courageous, exclusive and unforgettable. After putting such a table in the apartment, you like our old cars or motorcycles to ourselves, and even at home can not part with your pets. In addition, such furniture, and not even furniture, but a real unique metal sculpture, will create a stylish atmosphere and complement your interior.

Want a work of art in your home? Then dare!

Tables from machine parts

Tables from machine parts

Tables from machine parts

Tables from machine parts

Tables from machine parts

Tables from machine parts

Tables from machine parts

Tables from machine parts

Tables from machine parts

Tables from machine parts

Tables from machine parts

Tables from machine parts

Tables from machine parts

A source

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