Feather from thread


Oh, how I liked these tries. I also caught fire from the idea to make such a pen from threads. From white, red, black, orange, yellow ... oh and applied and apply somewhere. Where I do not know, but somewhat shuffle, such beauty does not stare!

Feather from thread

Feather from thread

And those that on wooden skewers will go to play in Indians.

Feather from thread

Well, start! We take the wire, glue, thread (it is better to take x / b, Moulin for example), scissors. Cut the proprietary length wire, it will be a pen rod. Thread dip in glue and wind on a wire.

Feather from thread

Cut the thread of the desired length.

Feather from thread

And tie every string on the nodule to the rod.

Feather from thread

Until the latter.

Feather from thread

Put the future of Pyryshko in a diluted with water in PVA or Clauster from starch.

Feather from thread

I pull out and lay out on the plane. It is desirable to put the linen so that the pen does not stick to the surface.

Feather from thread

Feather dried

Feather from thread

Now cut off excess.

Feather from thread

And we use somewhere.

Shared hope.

A source

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