Master class on the manufacture of hydrophilic gel


Means for intimate hygiene are not just so, and this is not an advertising trick of cosmetic companies, since any aggressive detergents are able to seriously disturb the fragile balance of sex microflora.

The hydrophilic oil gel is delicately and efficiently, without stopping, cleans the pollution and moisturizes the mucous membranes. In addition, it normalizes the microflora, possessing the anti-inflammatory and antifungal effect. The process of formation of the oil gel occurs with the participation of Sucragel (Sucragel). Sucragel was specifically designed to satisfy the demand for safe oil thickeners adapted for the cold process. Sucragel is a vegetable emulsifier, an oil gel and thickener. Thanks to him, when contacting with water, our oil will turn into a soft milk. The gel is made in a cold way, that is, it is not necessary to warm for His cooking.

So, we will make gel for intimate hygiene.

For the preparation of 100 ml (100%) of the hydrophilic gel, we will need:

Sweet almond oil: 20%.

Jojoba oil: 20%.

Walnut Oil: 16%.

Wheat embryos oil: 20%.

Sucragel: 20%.

Chlorophyllipt (oil solution): 3%.

Lavender essential oil: 20 drops.

Tea tree essential oil: 20 drops.

I picked up the oil for gel, taking into account their antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Master class on the manufacture of hydrophilic gel

You can prepare a smaller number of gel if you have a small nozzle. I have a big nozzle, so it is convenient for me to prepare such a quantity or more.

From the tools we need:

Scales (in increments of 0.01).

Medical syringe without a needle by 10 - 20 ml.

Manual mixer with nozzle. The minimicar does not suit here, because the gel will succeed in thick, and the minimicer will not check it.

The mixing container in which the "foot" of your mixer (whisk) is prevented - better if it is a thick-walled refractory meter, which will not crack during active mixing.

Alcohol and cottage disks for processing, glass wand for stirring.

Master class on the manufacture of hydrophilic gel

When everyone was disinfected, all ingredients meter for work.

Measure the sucragel:

Master class on the manufacture of hydrophilic gel

Measure the oil of jojoba.

Master class on the manufacture of hydrophilic gel

Now I measure wheat germs oil:

Master class on the manufacture of hydrophilic gel

Sweet almond oil.

Master class on the manufacture of hydrophilic gel

Walnut oil.

Master class on the manufacture of hydrophilic gel

Chlorophilipet and essential oils can be measured later.

We proceed to the first stage. Intensely mix the Sucragel to the appearance of white foam (you can interfere in the first speed). This is a very important point. It is the appearance of white foam that will testify to compliance with the technology of working with the sucragel and achieving the stability of the gel. If you do not fulfill this condition, you either do not get a thick gel, or, what you get can stall. Beach - this is generally the most important process in the preparation of the gel on the Sucragel. To achieve a good result, it is necessary to interfere continuously. So, the Sucragel was smelled (it takes 10-15 minutes), the mass of coil.

Master class on the manufacture of hydrophilic gel

Master class on the manufacture of hydrophilic gel

Getting Started by the second stage. We add to this white mass in advance the diesel oil. Oil add drowned from the syringe. This is a second very important point. If you immediately start pouring the trickle, the mass can dilute and not get back. Those. Hold the mixer with one hand, another dripping oil. The mixer works, the oil from the syringe dripping quite quickly:

Master class on the manufacture of hydrophilic gel

One syringe was introduced, type the following.

Master class on the manufacture of hydrophilic gel

We do the same thing, and now we already see the first result - the mass has become much thicker.

Master class on the manufacture of hydrophilic gel

And even thicker. . Intensely interfere, do not stop.

Master class on the manufacture of hydrophilic gel

Here we have introduced half the die away. Massively continues to be white and thick, purchased the shape of the gel.

Master class on the manufacture of hydrophilic gel

At this stage, I still begin to pour oil with a trickle, increasing the momentum of the mixer. But for the first time it is better not to risk, and to the last droplet oil to enter drip.

The last drop of oil is introduced. I got a good smooth gel with a pearl sampling, a few more revolutions and a mixer can be turned off.

Master class on the manufacture of hydrophilic gel

Now we have a fully formed gel, and we proceed to the final stage. We enter into this gel essential oils. Here I first dug the Essential oil of Lavender, and then came to mind and photographed it.

Master class on the manufacture of hydrophilic gel

Tea tree essential oil.

Master class on the manufacture of hydrophilic gel

We stir the glass stick. Our gel acquires a deep yellow color (it looks like the "depth" computer does not want to reflect, but I have a deep one).

Master class on the manufacture of hydrophilic gel

Master class on the manufacture of hydrophilic gel

Now we introduce chlorophilipet.

Master class on the manufacture of hydrophilic gel

The color of the gel is changing with a yellow-emerald.

Master class on the manufacture of hydrophilic gel

Stir, ready.

Master class on the manufacture of hydrophilic gel

As a result, we turned out a beautiful hydrophilic gel for intimate use.

If you still have not observed technology, and the mass did not thicken, then you can try to save the situation: a liquid substance to dial into the syringe and pour into the container, whipping it on large Mixer Radips. Everything should work out!

Now that the principle of manufacturing the gel is understandable, you can do, for example, a gel for washing / removing makeup. Jojoba oil and sweet almonds better leave, because They are universally suitable for purification, moisturizing, deodorization and skin, and mucous membranes. The same applies to essential oils of tea tree and lavender. To help them you can add light oils: grape bone oil, apricot oil oil, castor oil. From essential oils to the already available lemon essential oil, grapefruit, orange. Further, the flight of fantasy is implanious: if you want to get an oil scrub - add scrawing particles (walnut shell, hammer almond shell, ground coffee, sea salt).

The gel itself is very economical in use, sufficient drops with a pea size for one application.

Application: Delicately apply to an intimate zone, wash off with water comfortable temperature. Try so that the water does not get into the jar with butter. For preventive purpose, the use of gel is recommended before visiting public baths, pool.

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