Plastic Bottle Wallet


This idea will enjoy all lovers to use the cast material - plastic bottles. I suggest you view the master class and inspire a wonderful idea of ​​creating a wallet for coins from a plastic bottle or plastic. The work you have to be quite interesting and completely simple, however, like the whole handmade from the cast material.

Plastic Bottle Wallet

How to make your own wallet purse from plastic bottles?

To work, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • Plastic bottle,
  • black marker,
  • paper,
  • stationery knife,
  • scissors,
  • cotton fabric,
  • threads
  • needles
  • cardboard,
  • glue,
  • Substrate - Singlepus or Hollofiber,
  • Skin or leatherette.

Getting to work. On a sheet of paper, we draw a template, see the photo, set your own - depending on what size wallet you need. Cut the template and carry it on a plastic bottle. We will need for a wallet only three parts made of plastic.

Plastic Bottles Wallet (2)

In terms of the size of the template available, we cut the details from the cardboard (slightly smaller size, a few millimeters) and the substrate. From the fabric, we cut three parts by the template, but more size - by 0.5 - 1 cm.

Plastic Bottles Wallet (3)

Substrate connect with plastic wallet details. Details made of cotton fabric fabrics we flash around the edge, insert plastic with a substrate, threw the thread and fix it, as shown in the photo below.

Plastic Bottles Wallet (4)

We did three details of the wallet, we glue the part from the cardboard.

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Now finished wallet details are sewn with a needle with a needle, the threads must be strong and coincided with the color used in the work of the cloth. We sew all the sides of the wallet, leaving one not sewn.

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From leather or leatherette, cut the mugs for the decorative trim of the edges of the wallet. We glue them to the wallet.

Plastic Bottles Wallet (7)

That's the whole master class on creating a wallet of plastic. We admire the wallet and put money into it. I wish you to have them as much as possible, and not only small) good luck and thanks for the comments left!

Plastic Bottles Wallet (8)
Plastic Bottles Wallet (9)

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