Present miracle! Stylish pimpank dogs from cans


Present miracle! Stylish pimpank dogs from cans
Steampunk - fiction genre about the world, where steam machines and other technologies have not changed more modern, and reached the highest point of development. Steampunk first appeared in the literature, but then widely spread to other spheres. Even an externally style, this is easily recognizable, thanks to the levers, valves and gears abounding in it. But even those who are not familiar with the flow of a width, for sure they will like these stylish robusts. And to make them, of course, you can and do it yourself!

Present miracle! Stylish pimpank dogs from cans

You will need:

  • cans;
  • Ball from the children's dry pool;
  • paper tape;
  • toilet paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • Termoklay;
  • tablespoons;
  • decor;
  • acrylic paints

For one pimpunk dogs, you will need 3 identical cans and one ball from the children's dry pool. The diameter of the ball should be the same as the diameter of cans. Instead of a ball from a dry pool, you can also take a foam ball.

Present miracle! Stylish pimpank dogs from cans

The ball must be cut in half. Next, half the ball with the help of painting tape glue together with the first canning can. Thus, we will get a blank of the head of the future dog.

Present miracle! Stylish pimpank dogs from cans

Now you need to form a torso. To do this, we take 2 remaining tin cans, connect their necks and glue with the help of painting tape,

Present miracle! Stylish pimpank dogs from cans

To complete the preparation of the dog's body, you need to make 4 paws and tail. For this we will need 5 tablespoons. If you chose metal spoons, then we simply bend 4 of them. The fifth rush, leaving only the handle. You can also take plastic spoons, only they have a bend place to be preheated, for example, above the candle.

Present miracle! Stylish pimpank dogs from cans

Now all the blanks need to be punctured toilet paper. Glue it on PVA glue, for convenience a little diluted with water. When glue dries, you can start assembling. Parts of the body glue with a thermoclaus. For the neck, you can use, for example, a jar from Guaishi. Especially responsible need to be approached by the fastening of the paws, because the dog must stand smoothly and not falling.

Present miracle! Stylish pimpank dogs from cans

Finished blank for reliability can be punctured with toilet paper. If there is such an opportunity, then for the second pasting it is better to use thin crafting paper, as it is much stronger on the break. Then the figure is completely primed, in our case the primer of black.

Present miracle! Stylish pimpank dogs from cans

Now from the skin, dense fabric or something similar cut out ears, mouth. Detail of the mouth is glued to the bottom of the head, forming an open mouth.

Present miracle! Stylish pimpank dogs from cans

Preparing cooking, the most interesting is left - decor! For it, we use all kinds of cogs and gears, fix them on the heat meters. After that, everything is painting and toning, very cool in this case will look at the bronze tinting.

Present miracle! Stylish pimpank dogs from cans

And below you can watch the video on how to make such a pimpunk dogs from tin cans with their own hands.


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