Knit a children's handbag


It is clear that the barbell can be turned into any character, selecting the appropriate details, and you can make it very simple, without decorating. I'll tell you how I knit Nyushu.

Knit a children's handbag


Alone Pink Motion (Cetex, "Seven Sweets", 100g.180 m) and Aloi (Troitsk, "Krocha", 50 g, 135 m) yarn, a little black and white for finishing, a small amount of filler for packing Pigchka, hook №3 .

BTB - a column without Nakid

SSN - columns with Nakud

CS2N - Column with 2 Nakid

VP - air loop

SS - connecting column

After knitting, the details thread fixes and cut off, unless otherwise indicated

The foundation

We start knitted with a pink yarn bag

1 row: 6SBN

2 row: 6 additives = 12

3 row: (1SBN, 1 PR) × 6 = 18

4 row: (2SBN, 1 PR) × 6 = 24

5 - 13 Rows: (n VLB + 1, 1, 1, where n is the amount of the fails between the add-ons in the previous row, and the general number of accesses in the previous row.

14 row: (12SBN, 1 PR) × 6 = 88

15-29 Rows: 88 SBS

30 row: (12 fails, 1ub) × 6 = 82

31 row: 82 fails

32 row: (11 fails, 1 UB) × 6 = 76

33 row: 76 fails

34 row: (10 fails, 1 UB) × 6 = 70

35 row: We introduce scarlet color. 5 injections of the scarlet thread, 25 injection pink, 40 injection scarf. = 70

Note . The free thread is stretched from the wrong side and it would be involved in the inside: the working thread wures not only the edge of the previous series, but also a thread, stretched along the edge. Summaging along the fold line is divided into the facial and occipital part. Nyusha's head has already been decorated with scarlet thread. On the front, we encourage the divided fallated bangs. Pink plot is gradually narrowed. Scarlet columns are added evenly on both sides, capturing the pink field. The description indicates how many pink columns remain. It is possible to simplify the work immediately go to Aluu thread. In this case, the LBA line will not be framed by bangs. When unsubscribing bangs, counting columns, focus primarily on the central part of the forehead. That is, in the description is given a number in such a way as if the series did not take place when knitting.

36 row: 8 scarlet, 19 pink, 43 scarlet fails = 70

37 row: 11 scarlet, 13 pink, 46 scarlet fail = 70

38 row: (9 fails, 1 UB) × 6 = 64 Removal is made to the thread that goes in the figure. Scarlet columns are added by reducing the pink field. 6 pink columns should remain.

39 row: 64 fails. It remains 5 pink fails in the center of the forehead

40 row: 64 fails. It remains 3 pink fails in the center of the forehead. Pink thread consolidate and cut off. Hide the end of the thread, taking it, as before it was done with broach.

41 - 44 Rows: 64 ISSA Screw thread

45 row: (8 fails, 1 UB) × 6 = 52

46.47 Rows: 52 SBS

We note markers of the place of attachment of the handles. I did it as follows: 1 Marker in the center of the forehead, 2 marker strictly opposite the first. Folded the bag, combining the first and second markers. On the received new fold lines attached 3 and 4 markers.

On the sides of these markers and the handles will be attached. Auxiliary first and second can be deleted. The location of one of the markers just coincided with the beginning of a number. From here and start work on the first (back) handle.


For braids, the turning rows knit separately three strands that are immediately brapping to the bag as follows:

We start knitting to the right of the side marker, retreating on the width of the finished handle. If necessary, you can dissolve several columns of the previous row.

From the last pricious column, pick up air loops. I have 60. Knit on the resulting chain of ISP. The last of them is fed at that reason, from where the chain was gaining. The next failure in the adjacent loop on the head of the bag and continue to knit the beat over the previous number of the handles (turning the work). Turn the knitting and return to the edge of the bag, tissing the fail. Again, a strong closer to the point, from where they started to knit this row and in the next loop on the edge of the bag.

Once again, we recruit the chain out of 60 VP and in the same way that we knit the second strand. So that the handle is not too wide, this, middle, strand I fucked all the time in one point on the edge of the bag. The base straight was due to the narrowed. We will prift in the adjacent loop on the edge of the bag and recruit 60 VP again.

Knit the third strand, similar to the first. Pluging the last column on the edge of the bag, along the entire lengths of the strands, they are preserving the work thread to be at the very end of the strands.

Pull the working loop is more authentic, so that the knitting does not bloom.

Knit a children's handbag

Knit a children's handbag

From the classic braid obtained by strands. Strands do not twist, put it smoothly.

We fasten the edge of the columns without cape. Where necessary, introducing a hook in the canvas at once two strands.

Knit a children's handbag

Knit a children's handbag

We throw the resulting braid to the opposite edge of the bag and sew next to the second side marker with connecting columns.

Knit a children's handbag

On the other hand, on the marker we carry out the second handle. Ride on the opposite edge, strong.

The edge of the handbags is tied by a warning step, replacing the columns on the place of attaching the handles with connecting columns. Now the thread can be fixed and trimmed.

On the one hand to the hinges formed by the SS, strong chopped threads on the principle of fringe. It turned out an unshable end of the braid. Spit decorate the flower.


White yarn

6 TBI in the ring amigurum.

2 row: 6 add-ons

3 row: 5 VP, 1 fail to end

4 row: 7 TB to each arch from VP

When fixing the thread, leave the end for the sewing.


1 row: 6 ISP into the ring amyigurumi black thread

2 row: 6 add-ons

3 row: (1 fails, 1 pr) × 6 = 18 white thread. Black fasten and cut off.

4 row: (2 fails, 1 pr) × 6 = 24. We carry out the last increase, enhanced the hook in almost the center of the black pupil, so that it turns out the glare.

5 row: 2 BRABLE white thread, 1 injection scarlet thread. White fasten and cut, continue the scarlet. 1 pribe, (3 fails, 1 pr) × 2 = 15

6 RYES: Return to the beginning of the Red section of a series of a rachy step, 13 ss, 5 VP, 5 failures over the VP (knitting turned), 4 ss, taking into account the fixing arrow. Fight consolidate, cut off, leaving a long end for sewing.

The second eye knits in the same way, but the arrow is performed in the mirror reflection, i.e. First 4 cm, then air hinges and scan, finishes 13 ss.


Pink thread

1 row: 6 ISBS in the ring amigurum

2 row: 6 additives = 12

3 row: (1SBN, 1 increase) x6 = 18

4 row: (2SBN, 1 prib.) X 6 = 24

5 row: (3SBN, 1 prib.) X 6 = 30

6 row: (4SBN, 1 prib.) X 6 = 36

7 row: 36 BTB for rear walls

8-10 rows: 36 SBS.

Fight consolidate, cut off, leaving a long end for sewing.


Pink thread

12 VP + 1 VP lifting,

Knit a triangle is injected with turning rows, making one graft from each edge in each face. We are tied by the resulting triangle from the face, the SS based on the ground. From the top where knitting was closed, to the base on the side we descend the SS. The triangle is folded in half and connect on the base of the SS or IPP, if desired. Fight consolidate and cut off, leaving an end for the sewn. Send ears along the connection line.

Knit a children's handbag

Cheek - Hearts

Knit rotary rows of scarlet thread the square of the desired size. I have 8 injunction on 8 rows.

9 Row: 9 columns with 2 nakida to the center of the square side, 1 TB to the corner, 9 columns with 2 nakids to the center of the other side, 1 fail-to-corner. To secure the shape, tie the heart with connecting columns, making the track along the edge itself. Thread fasten and cut off, leaving a long end for sewing. We will be sewn through the edge, enhancing a needle under a pigtail formed by the contour of the heart, thereby masking the seam.

Knit a children's handbag

Design image

Piglet slightly fill. Scarlet thread outline nostrils, while pulling slightly. Piglet sew, leaving a small hole. Sign up to the required density, the hole is closed. Fight consolidate, cut off, end hide inside the patch.

Seet your eyes, flexing an outer corner of the eye as you like. Eye sewing through the edge. On the site of the century, we perform the seam "back needle" on top of the part, leaving the edge, linked by a rachy step, not fixed. You can slightly fill the eye with a hollowberry to give volume. We produce a package with an almost sewn item, after which the hole is finally closed.

Seet your ears.

Easy mouth.

Note and sew cheeks.

If there is a desire for further detail, you can embroider cilia, to attach a tail-related tail on the back side. My nyusha without a tail and cilia.

Bag-Torba is connected using the principle of knitting toys Amigurumi. Just instead of packing there everything will work out inside.

Knit a children's handbag

Knit a children's handbag

Knit a children's handbag

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