Scribate glass: Create a stained glass panel "Fish"


Glass painting is a delicate and refined method of decoration, previously accessible only to chosen professionals. However, modern achievements in the field of synthetic resins and dyes can now decorate the glass and lovers. With the help of paints using different techniques, it became possible to paint glass, mirrors, ceramics, metal and other similar materials.

In this master class, we will show you how to create a gorgeous panel of "fish" with your own hands based on Terry Zhiltsi.


- work surface (glass);

- Sketch 1: 1;

- stained paints;

- Stained-iron IDEA contours Two colors: No. 137 Gold Light, No. 151 Gold Dark;

- alcohol or degreasing agent;

- solvent for cleansing the brush;

- Brush, Mastichin №45;

- Crystal paste Maimeri 727;

- Easy paste Maimeri 731;

The sketch is made in the mirror reflection, that is, the front part of the panel will be smooth, and the work surface (paint, gels, contours) is hidden from the inside. The sketch is attached to the glass of the skot along the perimeter and put onto a smooth surface. Glass surface must be well degreased.

We start painting with contour. Do not rush to apply, making a line of homogeneous thickness.

Scribate glass: Create a stained glass panel

The contours should be well closed, excluding places with ruptures. It is necessary to avoid paint pushing to each other.

Scribate glass: Create a stained glass panel

In this sketch used two colors of the contour. After applying to give good enough.

Scribate glass: Create a stained glass panel

Start the color part. Apply paint into closed embossed areas. In order for the drawing to be more realistic and richer, you can use color stretch marks - from dark to light, or transitions of one color to another.

Scribate glass: Create a stained glass panel

After a good paint graze, we apply a masticine on some areas of Maimeri 727 crystal paste.

Scribate glass: Create a stained glass panel

It is necessary to apply a little, smoothing it on the surface, so that the lens fill the entire fill surface.

Scribate glass: Create a stained glass panel

After drying the paste, lens will become more transparent.

Scribate glass: Create a stained glass panel

Scribate glass: Create a stained glass panel

Then we continue to fill the remaining color elements on the sketch stretch marks. After covering each picture, it is necessary to give time to paint to dry.

Scribate glass: Create a stained glass panel

Scribate glass: Create a stained glass panel

Now we apply a light paste Maimeri 731. It will help to simulate water. We also apply a masticine in chaotic order, trying to put the average magnitude of the smear. It is not necessary too far to the surface, because it is important to leave the embossed "waves". With this technique, paste on the contour are possible, but in our version it is permissible.

Scribate glass: Create a stained glass panel

Scribate glass: Create a stained glass panel

When the paste is faster (it becomes transparent), you can apply the background color on top of it. Here are also used color transitions.

Scribate glass: Create a stained glass panel

Scribate glass: Create a stained glass panel

If the paint falls on the contour, it is not necessary to despair, because we draw on the technical back. With the facial (invalid) side everything will be perfect!

When all the paint dried, you can remove the sketch (or it was possible to remove it even after applying the contour). Since the panel will stand in a niche with the back light, then it is necessary to check that the entire surface is filled with paint (even small slitches). It is enough to raise it vertically and look at the lumen.

Scribate glass: Create a stained glass panel

I turn over the panel to the front part. Now the panel is ready! Can be mounted in a niche.

Scribate glass: Create a stained glass panel

And with backlit ...

Scribate glass: Create a stained glass panel

Author of the master class: Manuelova Julia.

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