Floral gardens on the chambers


Flower gardens on the chambers.

The British master, known in the network as Dozydotes, modestly calls himself simply "Grandma with a great many interests and desire to create as often as possible." The scope of her hobbies is really wide - the needlewoman succeeded in embroidery and patchwork sewing, she knits touching characters and animals, creates primitive toys, writes paintings by oil and watercolor, engaged in photography. But, perhaps, the most eager for her love for manual work says precisely the birds of gardens, flourishing on the chambers of thousands of multicolored stitches and French nodules.

Floral gardens on the chambers

Floral gardens on the chambers

Floral gardens on the chambers

Floral gardens on the chambers

Floral gardens on the chambers

Floral gardens on the chambers

Floral gardens on the chambers

Floral gardens on the chambers

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