How is the carpet laying do it yourself? Installation instructions for carpet


If you decide to put the carpet on the floor, then you need to do it correctly, not mistaken even in trifles. After all, otherwise it will be uneven to wear out, go and strain. The ideal option will be a carpet without seams. Currently, you can find rolls with a width of 2 to 6 meters wide, which will allow you to choose such a width at which the seams will not be. For example, if the smaller side indoors is 5.5 m, then it is necessary to purchase a carpet wide 6 meters wide. Yes, the carpet will go to the waste, but he can always be used.

High-quality and proper laying of the carpet with their own hands is a major factor that will have a significant impact on the service life and the appearance of the carpet.

Before purchasing a carpet cover, it is necessary to calculate the area of ​​the room, considering the thresholds, and then to the obtained value add about the supply of 1-2 m2.

When laying carpet, it is necessary to comply with some conditions:

  • To protect the carpet from pollution, it is necessary to make it laying only when all finishing works will be completed;
  • Stop carpet necessarily need only on a solid, clean, dry and flat basis;
  • Room humidity in the room where the carpet laying will be made with their own hands, should not exceed 74%, and the temperature should be higher than +16 degrees;
  • If the laying is made in the cold time, it is necessary to give time to carpet into acclimatization, that is, to withstand it indoors during the day.

Tools required for laying

Tools required for laying

To properly make the carpet, you will need the following tools:

  • Kicker - a tool that is intended for tensioning and subsequent laying of carpet;
  • The substrate that should be laid under the carpet coating so that the surface becomes comfortable and soft;
  • Gripper rake, which is a wooden bar. It should be fixed around the perimeter of the base under a slope;
  • Scrapers that are needed to remove the residues of the solution and the old glue;
  • The toothed spatula will need to apply glue. You can also delete old glue;
  • Metal ruler will be used as a knife guide;
  • Carpeted knives are needed for cutting narrow strips. Knives can be different, but most often they have removable double-sided blades, which can eventually be filled with time, so it is desirable to periodically be told or change them.

Recommendations for choosing a method of laying carpet

Recommendations for choosing a method of laying carpet

Before starting work on laying, some factors should be taken into account:

  1. Stacking technology should be selected in accordance with the size of the room. If this is an office or a small room, then you can use stretching or free laying. And if the room is large, it is recommended to use glue for laying carpet.
  2. Styling technology should be selected based on the load intensity. If there is an average or moderate in the room, then you can stop your choice on the installation method without gluing or pulling the carpet. But if the furniture will be rearranged in the room, the best option will be adhesive fixation.

It is also necessary to consider the secondary foundation of the carpet. If the basis of a nourish or jut, then carpet with glue should be laid. And with any other options, you can use any method of laying.

Basic technology styling

Currently, several carpet laying technologies can be distinguished:

  1. Laying without the use of glue or free styling is a laying on double-sided tape or laying with fixation around the perimeter.
  2. Stretching is a technology at which the substrate is used.
  3. Adhesive fixation technology, which is used most often in large rooms.

To begin with, carpet needs to be put on the floor and carefully fit it under the size of the room, given all the niches, pipes and protrusions. Surplus must be neatly trimmed with a sharp knife right along the place.

The surface of the floor should be smooth, not to have shells and protrusions. If there are any irregularities, the floor should be aligned with a level or putty. Also, it will not be superfluous to progress the floor with a special soil, which is able to increase adhesion.

Next details will consider all available carpet laying technologies.

Free laying

This method is most often used when laying carpeted coating in small rooms.

Free styling can be made in two ways:

  • Fastening the carpet around the perimeter;
  • Fixation for bilateral scotch.

Fixation around the perimeter

Carpet needs to be put in such a way that it goes to the walls of about 6-10 cm.

  1. Next, it must be rolled by a special roller in all directions, and then trim all unnecessary.
  2. After that, the carpet should be fixed throughout the perimeter using a plinth, and in doorway - with metal plates.

Advantages of free laying:

  • small financial costs;
  • You can lay carpet independently;
  • There is no need to make careful preparation of the basis;
  • In the future, carpet can easily be replaced.

Disadvantages of free styling:

  • Malaya strength;
  • Very low wear resistance;
  • On the surface there may be reasons and bubbles;
  • Carpet can not clean the washing vacuum cleaner;
  • It is not recommended to drag the heavy furniture.

Fixation for bilateral scotch

Fixation of carpet on bilateral scotch

Most often, this method is used by those who like to periodically make changes to the decor of the room. It is great for laying carpet in the office or residential room.

For laying carpet with double-sided adhesive, you must perform the following steps:

  1. First you need to glue to the floor throughout the perimeter of the tape room.
  2. Then you need to do on the entire surface of the floor the grid of the tape, with cells 50x50 cm.
  3. Next, it is necessary to put in advance flattened with a reserve (6 cm on each side) carpet so that its edges come to the walls.
  4. After laying carpet, it is necessary to remove the protective film from the tape and glue the coating.
  5. At the end of gluing, you need to cut off with a knife all excess carpet.

Advantages of laying with bilateral scotch:

  • Laying takes very little time and can be made independently;
  • Additional costs are not required;
  • Replace the carpet can be replaced at any time.

Disadvantages of styling with bilateral scotch:

  • It is necessary to make careful preparation of the basis;
  • On the surface may appear preasses;
  • Increased humidity can lead to scotch deformation.

Stretching carpet

Carpet is a rather elastic material, so it can use the stretching method, which is as follows:

  1. To begin with, it is necessary to attach along the walls of the rails, having two rows of nails driven under a 45-degree angle.
  2. Then, with special tools, stretch the carpet and fix it on the straps.
  3. For carpet, it is desirable to lay a substrate that will help strengthen the effect of sound absorption and create the effect of softness.

Please note that the gripper, substrate and the coating itself must match each other by directory.

The advantages of stretching:

  • No need to prepare the surface;
  • After laying, you can carry heavy furniture;
  • The service life of the carpet coating increases.

Stretching flaws:

  • To make installation, you will need a professional assistance;
  • Additional costs of purchasing a substrate.

Fixation with glue

This method of fixation is one of the oldest, so it should be used only to those who are not going to engage in frequent design shift.

The glue styling is performed as follows:

  1. First you need to select a toothed spatula that is suitable for the selected coverage type.
  2. Then impose the glue using a toothed spatula.
  3. After that, you can pull on top of the carpet glue.

Remember that the floor should be smooth and dry, and if there is a chance that the floor will enter the chemical reaction with glue, then this method is not worth using.

Advantages of the adhesive method:

  • Carpet is stacked very reliable;
  • No additional expenses;
  • There is practically no possibility of the appearance of bubbles;
  • You can use when cleaning the washing vacuum cleaner.

Disadvantages of the adhesive method:

  • need quality training;
  • carpet cannot be reused;
  • The complex process of laying, which requires the presence of a professional.

Laying carpet on the stairs

It is no secret that the staircase must withstand elevated loads, so the carpet surface should be very resistant. In this case, the carpet is suitable for these purposes best.

Carpet stacked on the stairs as follows:

  1. First you need to carve carpet, which will fit on the steps.
  2. Masters recommend using paper templates for cutting. To create a template, you need to put on top of the staircase paper and press it along the corners with a spatula. Next, it is necessary to cut the template along the bend lines, impose it on the carpet and thoroughly clean all the elements of the coating.
  3. Start laying follows from the bottom step.
  4. Then you should climb the stairs up, connecting gradually patterns with each other. For a compound, you can use both liquid glue and tension rails.

Training video on the laying of carpet on the substrate and glue:

Practical tips on self-laying carpet

Laying the carpet with their own hands is a very responsible process, but there is nothing impossible. It should be remembered that if all the work is performed correctly, the carpet cover will serve you for many years, and if errors have been made when laying, then only disappointments are expected.


  • To begin with, it is necessary to measure the room more accurately;
  • Then you need to carefully clean the floor from all available contaminants;
  • Start the carpet laying must always be with an angle;
  • Putting the carpet in the niches, try to leave a small reserve for the future so that the carpet can be able to fit under plinths;
  • Surplus carpet is better to cut with a board or an even profile;
  • Cutting carpet needs to start from the center, since it does not occur on the material during trimming;
  • For accurate measurement of carpet area under the battery, it is necessary to cut the extra material on both sides parallel straight;
  • All available holes in the carpet prepared in advance under the pipes are recommended to secure transparent scotch, as it can start peeling over time;
  • Carpet, which will fall on the threshold, need to be accurately cut with a special cutter;
  • If in the next room, the floor is eliminated by another coating, you will need to cover two materials to close with the profile;
  • At the last stage of laying, it is necessary to shine under the plinth the extra material with a screwdriver.

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