How to make a rose of leather. Master Class


How to make a rose of leather. Master Class

Make a flower from the skin is not at all difficult, but for wonderful needlewomen - you, girls (and boys, it will not be difficult.

I want to show the basic principles of creating flowers from leather without special devices, so to speak at home and to comment a little, based on the conclusions made from your own experience. I apologize for the "night" photo.

To work, we will need:

1. Leather.

It is better to take thin skin, ideal with a thickness of 0.5-1.2 mm, but you can use up to 2.5 mm.

By skin, it's a husky or shevro.

2. PVA glue.

Anyone I use Aqua building for internal works, it is more thick and not

Staining the skin if you have to do a more dense concentration.

3. Glue moment.

I use the moment a classic universal or shoe (marathon), like more than

Crystal, gluits more firmly.

4. Tassel and dishes under the glue.

5. Small sharp scissors.

6. Stationery knife.

7. Wire is not necessarily.

How to make a rose of leather. Master Class

So, we all prepared, but now we need only a pencil, paper, scissors and leather.

one. Draw on paper (better cardboard) petals arbitrarily, you can take such as me as I. I never use templates, from this roses are different, which is always interesting for me - what will happen in the end. Highly cut the petals.

2. On the skin we will supply petals. On the petals (see photo) Numbers - How many pieces of each petal you must circle and cut. I always bury Simple pencil. ( the ball handle or the disappearing / washed marker is better not to use, they do not wash off and do not disappear from the skin, you have to cut, and if somewhere will remain on the edge, it turns out very ugly ). I specifically took three colors of the skin so that it was more clearly to us later, in the process of forming a flower.


How to make a rose of leather. Master Class

Cut out.

How to make a rose of leather. Master Class

3. Now proceed to apply PVA glue, diluted with water . Divorce depending on the consistency of the existing glue and skin thickness than it is thicker, the more water, because We have to impregnate with the skin with glue, and not just wash. Consistency of diluted glue as liquid cream.

I am not soaring in Pwa Pwa petals (I often met in other MK, and I nano evenly 2-3 times with a tassel, it is so convenient for me to control how impregnated with the skin. Some skin, especially Chevro, with excessive impregnation becomes like an eraser and does not want to make any shape, Returning to its original state.

You can soak several petals at once.

How to make a rose of leather. Master Class

4. The skin absorbed the glue and became a slightly wet (not wet!). Now we start forming folds and bulges).

We fold the petal in half in length.

How to make a rose of leather. Master Class

Once again we add, forming the harmonichene.

How to make a rose of leather. Master Class

Squeeze the resulting accordion and pull corners down the middle of the petal.

How to make a rose of leather. Master Class

In the compressed state, we leave for 5-7 minutes, then carefully weave the petal so that the folds are preserved. At this stage, the edges are bending-wound at your discretion.

How to make a rose of leather. Master Class

We repeat the above listed with all the cut-off petals. White on my photo more, because In the process, my fantasy played on a certain flower, do not pay attention)))).

So, all the petals are formed, laid on the pupil film (I like to dry on it, petals are in the air, they have been laughing on all sides.

Now you can do other things. I usually go to sleep, because I always do at night. In the morning the petals will be ready for the next stage.

How to make a rose of leather. Master Class

5. This stage I would call the "Flight of Fantasy". Stage assembly of the flower itself. Depending on how you glue the petals, in what order, with which intervals - your flower will be unique, they are never the same.

I have a wire here, because The flower will decorate the cosmetic bag and fasten with this wire (I love practicality and reliability. If the flower is not needed for brooches or suspension, the wire is not needed. Mine in the photo I do in a certain way, you can also do with others, for example - rolling, lubricated with glue times, A piece of skin with a roll.

How to make a rose of leather. Master Class

Glue in small portions I squeeze out of the tube into some kind of cover so that it is a bit dried and was not very liquid, because Then the petals are immediately not glued and glide glide and leaves ugly dirty stains ... We are important accuracy! Glue nano to the toothpick or a small wand, broken (sharpened) in the form of a blade.

How to make a rose of leather. Master Class

We pay our middle the first petal with glue and squeeze the fingers quite firmly and a few seconds hold.

How to make a rose of leather. Master Class

Now the second petal is glued.

How to make a rose of leather. Master Class

Similarly, we glue other petals. And do not forget that our fantasy is limitless.

How to make a rose of leather. Master Class

In the same order, glue the petals more (I have another color, brighter ).

How to make a rose of leather. Master Class

Here I was glued additionally carved white petals (on my photo above. And you can go to the next step.

How to make a rose of leather. Master Class

At this stage, the flower assembly acquires the final appearance.

Your fantasy is also important here. I will have an already blurred rose and in a circle I stick the petals on the contrary, that is. Face to face, the face of the skin inside, I hope in the photo more clearly than I wrote.

How to make a rose of leather. Master Class

Flower ready.

But he does not lie as we need, because the view is still the same.

How to make a rose of leather. Master Class

Therefore, we take a stationery knife than sharper, the better, and cut off behind, as in the photo, in a circle, in order not to damage the wire, if you used it.

How to make a rose of leather. Master Class

So here is beautiful, and the main thing is flat, which will allow the flower to lie.

How to make a rose of leather. Master Class

I turn over and admire. And the main thing is proud and say "nothing complicated! Easy!"

How to make a rose of leather. Master Class

And if you add leaves, and behind a pin - that's a brooch ready.

How to make a rose of leather. Master Class

And my rosette with girlfriends is located on the cosmetic bag -clatche.

How to make a rose of leather. Master Class

MK from Natalia Kovalchenko.

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