Sew Afghani


Choose a cloth for Afghani. It is best to choose a cloth light, flowing, the one that forms beautiful folds. When choosing, put a cut of the tissue into your hand, if the cloth smoothly hugged the palm and the outlines of the hand can be seen through it - it suits you. If the fabric is tolerant, forms sharp folds near the hand - it does not fit.

1. The first one, the easiest.

You need a cut of a tissue with a width of 150cm and 120-150 long. It depends on how long you want to achieve a trouser. In my opinion, more than 90 cm do not do, and the best of all centimeters 70, then they will work slightly below the knee and will not be very weighting the figure. Less than 70 should not be done either, especially if sew not from knitwear - folds will be bad, to strain.

The remaining tissue will go to the belt and cuffs.

We take a cut with a length of 1 meter and fold diagonally as shown in the drawing. From the upper corners there is 20-25 cm and put the check mark. We take the opposite corner of the cut and combine with the check mark. Two cuts are estimated and making a machine line. Also enter the opposite corner.

Seams are wearing.

Unlock prepared detail on the table. The resulting holes are not suitable for us in shape, nor in size. It is not for the new lines of the cut. They are indicated in the drawing. The lines should be smooth, so that there is no corners after the workpiece. If you cut off the straight line, it will be inconvenient to sew cuffs and a belt, and in the ready-made side of the sides in places of connection of the belt and the main cloth, there will be ugly folds, the load on these places will be strong and in the process of socks the fabric may not withstand and disperse.

Now prepare the belt and cuffs. Their length is equal to the length of the resulting holes. Measure best on the table. Since the neckline does not turn out on the equity (it is not fulfied here at all, it has called all the rules of sewing), then it is impossible to measure the length of the cutout in the elevated state - the cut is pulled out and changes its initial length.

Little Tip: Before cutting off the fascinated line, you need to make leaving on the seams near the places where the cut line will be. It is necessary in order to have after the extra fabric will be cut off - the seams did not dissolve.

Cut from the outlined lines also on the table. At this stage, we note the thread of another place where the side seams should be allegedly. They are indicated in the drawing. We also celebrate the middle of the pen and the back of the trousers.

The belt is sewn into the ring (the belt height is approximately 15-20 cm). If the fabric is a bit, you can make it from two parts.

We put our workpiece of the belt to the table, we find the middle of the handle and middle of the back of the belt, we put the test inspections or note their thread of another color. If the seam is one with a side, then we note the location of the second alleged side seam.

We cross the belt and pants among themselves.

For this, the trousers are taken to the front side, and the belt is on the involving. Belt wear on trousers, combining tale cuts of both parts. Control marks of the middle of the backrest and the transition of the belt we combine the middle of the trousers. And the side seams of the belt - with side seams of trousers. We estimate, stepping. Over the entire length of the belt, we sew a thread of a gum.

By the same scheme, sew cuffs.

If you sew from the fabric with the eastern motive, the belt-cord with tassels is very appropriate.

Sew Afghanism is not long and not difficult, but do not believe that you will save at 15 - 30 minutes, if there are little experience in sewing. But if you try, you will have time for the evening.

2. The method of the second, the most beautiful.

The pattern is shown in the drawing, the processing method can be exactly the same. Now I will say why the most beautiful.

When you sewing along this pattern, the side seams are located where it is supposed to be, it allows you to perform the processing of side pockets, Gulfi (even false), sew a regular belt with loops and enter the belt into it. The final result will be a product that will look professional.

In addition, you can sew from coupon with a beautiful print.

Also, in this method, you can refrain from the cuff.

3. The method of the third, the most unsuccessful (this is my subjective opinion).

But not just mine. I made such a conclusion after I watched the fittings on the market. Opinion of my buyers: very spoils the figure, making it not attractive for the opposite sex.

But this is not a reason to silence about the way of sewing.

Pattern taken from the magazine. As such, there is no case. Fold a cut in half (you can two pieces of fabrics of the same size) and within their limits draw the pattern from hand.

Sewing: Step side and stepper seams, make an assembly on a tale cut, sew the cuff and belt.

4. For the fourth, for those who have narrow hips.

This view is best made from knitwear. Pattern in the drawing just below the way to process the same.

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