Crazy Wool Technique - "Crazy Thread


Not everyone can wear things performed in this technique. But products in the interior deserve attention.

Execution technique is simple:

* On Water-soluble Flizelin put yarn in an arbitrary order. It is possible chaotically, but you can create a drawing.

* Add textured threads. Pieces of fabric, felt.

* Cover the second layer of phlizelin and step by threads in tone or monoming with a mesh 1x1 or 1.5x1.5 cm.

* Now omit everything in cold water. Flizelin dissolves and voila ... Ready!

As an option: you can make the yarn layout on the grid and then the fliesline will be needed only from above. And the grid will act as a dublerin.

Crazy Wool -

Crazy Wool -

Crazy Wool -

Crazy Wool -

Crazy Wool -

Crazy Wool -

Crazy Wool -

Crazy Wool -

Crazy Wool -

Crazy Wool -

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