Of the scared in beauty - the new life of the old doll


Of the scared in beauty - the new life of the old doll

I lay this workshop for more than a year in my drafts, I have doubted everything, and will he be useful to anyone? But thanks to the contest, "Magic Transfiguration", I still decided to present it to you. This is a small master class on returning to the life of an old pupa from Soviet times.

First, a small surcharge ...

... I remember this day distinctly - summer midday heat, lazy sparrow tweet, a poplar fluff everywhere, flies into the manner open the door and rolls into white soft balls on a concrete polished floor in the district department store, where we have just entered the Mom. I am a little one, I probably, four years old, and I am very seen because of the shop window. To distract from the heat and boredom, I consider the sun glare on the floor until the mother communicates with the aunt-saleswoman. Considering all the bunnies, I begin to look at the wooden shelves behind the shop window, I get up on the tiptoe, so that it was better to be visible. Iron buckets and basins on the top shelf, won spiny rams for bottles, are folded with light bulbs in cardboard houses, paraffin candles, near brown bricks of economic soap, but bright shovels and stems for sandboxes, boys dump trucks ... and here my breath freezes And breathing seems too.

On the bottom shelf, right in front of me, she sits - doll! Big, it seems to me, with me with a growing, elegant, just a fabulous doll! Green dress in white peas, with frills and swans, a plastic nipple on a cord hanging on a plump tummy, white hair, fluffy, like a poplar fluff, which goes under the legs, and wide open, as if slightly surprised her eyes straight and look at me. I read by syllables on the price tag:

- Ku-K-la on-Taha.

That's yes - it's just like my name! I don't know how much I stood there, whispering almost silently my own and doll name, only my mother, probably grabbed my eyes. How through a dream, I hear her voice:

- And please, please give us this big doll.

- To me? Is it true to me? Here this doll is mine? !!

I don't even immediately understand, I do not believe in my happiness, and my mother smiles, looking at me shining ...

Just as I loved her, my Natasha. All my long childhood we did not part. And in my school years, I also played with her, the dressing breaks and the junior sister sliders, carefully looked into the old blanket, rode in a big stroller, herself tried to sew dresses and knit scarves. She was my daughter-lyleychka, and a friend-princess, in one moment reincarnated after my fantasy. Childhood then ended, I went to learn to the institute, and Natasha, to my chagrin, disappeared somewhere in time and family moves.

Now we live in the village with your family, and the other day our fellow villagers Aunt Valya looked at visit us:

"Natalia, you are a craftswoman, I will wear a doll to the doll, I want my younger grandchildren Anya Surprise to make a birthday!"

Aunt Valya pulls out an old-old worm-old, terrible, terrible, hairless, lackless Gollyst's doll - and in this naked creature I suddenly find out almost an exact copy of my Natasha from childhood. And for a moment, sparrows stuck again, and the poplar fluff lasted the nose ... And the aunt Valya continues:

"My granddaughter, Anyuta, as comes to visit me, only with this doll plays, but it is necessary to somehow habide it, and then you hurt it.

I carefully accepted this girl, I washed, it was treated, "concurrent" -prarydil - and this master class was also born in the process. It seems to me that every girl has a similar puppet tale in his life, and I hope that my story suddenly will help some adult girl to return the beloved doll to life.

Materials and tools: scissors, flat screwdriver, stationery knife, thermocons, soldering iron with sharp straight nose, sandpaper paper null, needle, knitting needles or hook, high mohair yarn (from 70%), threads in color yarn, jar from under Wet wipes for a monitor or any other source of soft fine black plastic, tweezers.

As it was:

Of the scared in beauty - the new life of the old doll

I soaked the doll in the soap foam, he was rubbed for a long time, and after drying it was still the sandpaper-zero, most stains got out - wrapped around, but some spots (on the eyelids above their eyes) remained with her forever.

The eyes, as it turned out, was on the spot, but there was such a terrible picture without ciliates.

Of the scared in beauty - the new life of the old doll

Only two slots in the eyelids remained from the eyelashes, so the eyes and "rolled" are hard eyelashes in this case an integral design element, let's start with them:

Of the scared in beauty - the new life of the old doll

First, neatly flat screwdriver make a "trepanation of the skull" - in many platesmass Soviet dolls like the design of the head. The last miserable beams of the hair, I cut off the root scissors, and then from the inside removed the remnants of the hair with tweezers:

Of the scared in beauty - the new life of the old doll

From a plastic jar with scissors cut out two rectangles of the same width as the slots for eyelashes in centuries.

Of the scared in beauty - the new life of the old doll

We try, we specify the width, the blanks should be densitive in the slits:

Of the scared in beauty - the new life of the old doll

For scissors from one lane of each workpiece, we make small-shallow cuts, unnecessary to the other edge of about 3 mm - these are future eyelashes. The thinner will be cilia, the more beautiful there will be a result.

Of the scared in beauty - the new life of the old doll

We try again, excessive length needs to be removed so that with a doll it is convenient and safe to play a child, although with such a length of eyelashes in the doll, of course, a very glamorous look :)

Of the scared in beauty - the new life of the old doll

We remove the excessive length and spin the corners, cilia are straightening so that they lay exactly, the plastic is soft enough and succumb to all manipulations easily:

Of the scared in beauty - the new life of the old doll

Last fitting - all is well:

Of the scared in beauty - the new life of the old doll

Now we need eyelashes to fix from the inside, here the eristic ends are visible in the slots.

Of the scared in beauty - the new life of the old doll

Now you need to cut off with scissors or a stationery knife a few small pieces with scissors or a stationery knife so that they come inside these eye "cups" and are located along the cereal ends, you can help yourself with a tweezers. Then heated the soldering iron and melted the sprocket with these pieces of thermoclause. ATTENTION - when moltening this glue, the soldering iron can go smoke, it is very harmful, it is impossible to inhale it when working and it is necessary to ventilate the room. When the glue is freezing, he tight will fix eyelashes in the eyes. The photo shows melted glue:

Of the scared in beauty - the new life of the old doll

You can use other types of glue with which you are used to working. I used thermocons, it is accustomed to me and reliable fixation is always guaranteed.

And the eyes in the finished form are familiar since childhood, a slightly surprised look of wide open blue eyes:

Of the scared in beauty - the new life of the old doll

The soldering iron is not turned off yet, since they can be very well to rod scratches and roughness on handles, legs, and even on the face. These, for example, "injuries" were before smoking on her fingers:

Of the scared in beauty - the new life of the old doll

And so it was after smoking the soldering iron and grinding the sandpaper. The soldering iron "sticks" the jackets back, and the sandpaper gives the smoothness of the surface:

Of the scared in beauty - the new life of the old doll

Similarly, I processed all scratches on the body and face.

For hair, I had a white fluffy moceric yarn, knit a ward on the spokes or crochet, in the size of the shot "Cherpushki":

Of the scared in beauty - the new life of the old doll

The wrap becomes like an ordinary hat, and is based on the basis.

Of the scared in beauty - the new life of the old doll

A needle with a thread in the color of the yarn (I made a thread in 4 additions, so that the wrap was kept on the head) from the inside, sew a plastic-based plastic, using factory holes for this.

My wrap will be sewn around the circumference and then the cross will be crushed:

Of the scared in beauty - the new life of the old doll

We establish a "skull" with a wig in place, make sure that everything is firmly sitting and does not move:

Of the scared in beauty - the new life of the old doll

Then begin to insert into a wipe wrap - cut from the same yarn a beam of the hair of the desired length (the length of one thread is equal to the length of two hair lines plus 3-4 cm). Hair insert the crochet here on this scheme, just take no two threads, but one. We take a thread for the middle, stretch the loop through the ware, and then the ends of the thread stretch into this loop:

Of the scared in beauty - the new life of the old doll

Thus, I did the hair on both sides of the central sample, along the hair growth line (around the circumference) and some hairproof the wiggles. Then she cut the husk, divided her hair on the sample and braid pigtails:

Of the scared in beauty - the new life of the old doll

Methods of fastening puppet hair are quite a lot, I chose such, and it was possible, for example, to tie a wrap of the yarn letter, and the hair themselves are more authentic and walk - then there would be a gorgeous shock curly hair. Or armed with patience and thin durable yarn, and enter each hairs to enter the plastic base right into the plastic base, securing it with a nodel and glue from the inside. Or glue ready-made puppet wrap on glue.

And here, our child has already acquired a completely lively prime appearance, it remains only to choose an outfit to taste:

Of the scared in beauty - the new life of the old doll

I sewered for the newly born dolls a pretty new dress and pantalon, on the legs made shoes. For puppet clothes and shoes, in general, there are already many different master classes at the fair, so I did not reveal this topic here. Clothes can not be sewed, but to tie, for example, or take a ready-made baby dress and fit it under the size of the pupa - everything depends on your imagination and the image that you want to recreate in the doll.

Remember what we had and how it became:

Of the scared in beauty - the new life of the old doll

Aunt Valya, when he came for the result, he could not believe that this was the most "scared," and the granddaughter of Anya now with a pupa does not part in the afternoon or at night.

Dear friends, I thank you for the time you paid my little story and wish you magical and amazing transfigations in your life!

Sincerely, Natalia Lebedeva.

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