Construction of a country house with their own hands


Construction of a country house with their own hands

Construction of a budget cottage house with their own hands with the cost of manufacturing less than 60,000 rubles.

The construction of the country's house is very troublesome and expensive, but recently there is more and more often there is an interest in the framework houses that offer various firms throughout the country.

Frame house building came to us from Europe. There began to build frame houses at about 1200 - 1300 years. In Russia, the technology of frame construction has emerged much later and gradually increasing its turnover. Now almost every fifth country or country house in Russia is based on framework construction technology.

Immediately I would like to note that the benefit of the installation of the modular country house is obvious. In contrast to capital construction, it allows you to put in the country quite satisfying both in the functional and aesthetic plan. The strength of the structures, the reliability of insulation, durability, neat interior decoration, apparent saving of funds, all these indicators play only in plus and heated by the constant interest of dachens.

In many construction companies, a queue for the construction of frame country houses has already been formed, so we decided to make a small budget frame house with our own hands. The size of the house is 2.7 * 5.4 m. Area: 14,54kv / m or about 14 kV / m inside.

I take into account that the frame house is on our site by a temporary structure, we saved significantly when building a house on the foundation.

The cost of manufacture was about 60,000 rubles.

Construction of a budget frame cottage house:

The construction of any house begins with the foundation.

The foundation of our house is a timber segment 100 * 100 - 6 pcs, passing into the main elements of the rigidity of the house. The depth of embedding in Earth is about 1-1.2 m. The height of the bar from the ground level of 2.5-2.7 meters is determined depending on the desired height of the ceiling in the house.

Part of the bar which is in the ground is processed by special bitumen mastic type "waterproofer"

Poams for the installation of timber can be digging manually, and you can use special technique.

You can use other types of foundations - such as screw piles or monolithic fill, but it will significantly detail the construction, + more time will be required.

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Drilling for the installation of timber, although you can use the usual shovel.

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Installing bars of racks with a foundation. Screed bars with each other with a 50 * 150 board with a temporary mounting.

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Screed bars on top of a 50 * 150 board

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Chatting of racking bars is completed.

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Installed the roof rack with a run.

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Construction of a country house with their own hands

All fastenings carrying bars fastening with sun beds and tightening besides nails are attached with screw screws.

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Cutting rafting boards with a square, hacksaws and an ax.

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Installation of hanging rafting boards with pins on the frontones.

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Setting rafters, with a step of 80 cm.

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Construction of a country house with their own hands

In the process of assembling the house, they decided to make a porch again, for this, 2 pits took place for the installation of racks.

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Connection knot raftered with pins

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Waste from rafters after tracing.

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Installation of crates and professional leaf.

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Construction of a country house with their own hands

The roof is mounted.

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Lag device with 40 cm increments.

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Flooring plywood or osp on the floor.

Construction of a country house with their own hands

After installing the floor, a place appeared inside the house for storage of boards.

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Cutting boards for plating walls and eaves on the saw.

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Barbeck eaves board.

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Setting splitting.

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Testing walls board. At first, horizontal runs are mounted, then vapor barrier, then the walls of the walls from the boards.

Construction of a country house with their own hands

The outer walls were trimmed completely.

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Installation of windows and doors, the door was put old from the apartment.

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Construction of a country house with their own hands

The final stage: setting naschelniks around the perimeter of the house.

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Ready budget country house.

It remains to process all surfaces with an antiseptic, and make an internal finish.

Interior decoration of the budget dacha at home:

For the interior decoration was purchased:

  • Lining (bought the cheapest)
  • Insulation Rockvul
  • polyethylene film
  • Wires and various little things by electrics.
  • Carpet - remnants for sale.
  • PVC tile
Another 25,000 rubles was spent on materials for interior decoration.

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Before starting the lining of the walls with clap, stretched into the house the power cable and inside the electrical wires in the house.

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Not forgotten about street lighting.

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Brought the lining for the walls of the walls and the ceiling.

Construction of a country house with their own hands

They laid the insulation, paper and film on the ceiling, collected a frame under the lining.

Construction of a country house with their own hands

The ceiling was triggered.

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Laying insulation, film, and a frame assembly for lining for walls.

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Installation of lining on the walls.

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Device of windowsill and slopes.

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Floating carpet.

Construction of a country house with their own hands

A piece of plywood was cut under the PVC sticker tiles.

Construction of a country house with their own hands

PVC tile.

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Pvc tiles were stuck on Phaneur. Received a place for shoes.

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Put furniture.

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Installed an antenna on the roof.

Construction of a country house with their own hands

Completed all the work on the interior of the house, installed furniture, refrigerator. Heater and TV.

In total, the construction of a country house, taking into account transport costs, with their own hands amounted to about 90,000 rubles, which is quite nice at the current prices for building materials.

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