How to sew a jab


Zabo is a beautiful trim from frill, volanov or ruffs, located at the neck. Zabo can be made from the finished lace or from the main fabric. Volans can be carved double, single, several pieces, different in color or the same. Jabs can be made with transverse folds, the same in width, and you can make an assembly that gives free Falda. In general, options are a large set.

I will start an article with the description of sewing the simplest, in my opinion, the jabs from Rusch or Ruffle. You can make frills and ruffles from the main fabric, and you can take ready-made frills. They can be similar color with the main cloth, and may be contrasting in color.

This type of jab can be sewed immediately to the product detail at the product. And you can make a jab, as a separate product, sewing ruffles on the prepared part, attaching a pin from the wrong side, and use as a spectacular brooch.

If we decided to sew ruffles for a jabin on the main detail, then it is necessary to do it before the final treatment of the neck. That is, before sewing a collar or a slap.

On the front side of the product, draw the lines for which the journey of Ryushi. I have this oval lines,

Here is a general view of the manufactured product. The daughter really liked the dress, wore with great joy.

This simple way you can make an elegant jabin. If a clasp is assumed on the shelf, it needs to be processed before sewing ruffles, ruffles or volanesses. Perhaps the ruffles can be sewn simultaneously with the processing of the fastener or part of them. Here are examples of Jabs.

It looks very nice from the swabs. They can be sewed as a horizontal and vertically. You can in a circle, in two rows and even on the back.

You can make a beautiful jabe of a straight strip of fabric sent to the middle. Striped may be several, in the middle you can sew a bar, butchers or braid.

While I ran through the Internet in search of pictures, it came across an interesting jaba, made from the petals of oval shape, sewn up the neck of the dress. Very nice.

In general, to sew a jaba will be able to seamstress with any degree of preparation.

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