12 practical tips for cleaning at home


Even if the house is cleaning and not the most favorite your occupation, the result always justifies the efforts spent. This is a sense of accomplishment, when everything is shining clean.

Publishes tips to help you bring everything to shine.

We restore the table

12 practical tips for cleaning at home

Mix ½ cup of vinegar with ½ glasses of olive oil, moisten a rag in a mixture and rub into a tree. Scratches completely disappear, and the surface looks like a new one.

We whiten the pillowcase

12 practical tips for cleaning at home

Mix 1 glass of washing powder, 1 glass of crushed detergent for the dishwasher, 1 glass of bleach, ½ cup of borax and add very hot water.

Clean the cabinet

12 practical tips for cleaning at home

Mix 1 spoon of vegetable oil with 2 spoons of food soda and use a brush or cloth for cleaning the cabinet.

Crane or shower nozzle

12 practical tips for cleaning at home

Clear the faucet or the nozzle for the shower from the limetroke will help vinegar. It usually happens for 20 minutes.

12 practical tips for cleaning at home

If after that the flight did not come down, wrap the nozzle into the package with vinegar and leave another hour. After rinse thoroughly.


12 practical tips for cleaning at home

1. Ship the ironing board with paper and pour some salt on it.

2. Set the iron heating regulator to the maximum value (N.B.: The "Couple" function must be turned off, and there should be no water in the iron).

3. Swipe the heated iron by salt. All dirt from the surface of the iron will be easy and simple.

Cast-iron pan

12 practical tips for cleaning at home

You will need a cleaning agent for the stove, gloves, garbage bags and white vinegar.

Mold in the bathroom

12 practical tips for cleaning at home

Take your cotton and make balls from it, approximately 1 centimeter in diameter. Water them with a whitening agent, put on the mold and leave the whole thing at night. In the morning remove the remnants of mold by an old toothbrush.

Grill on plate

12 practical tips for cleaning at home

Remove fat on the grille using the ammonia alcohol. Put the grille into a plastic bag and add 2-3 tablespoons of the ammonic alcohol there. After 12 hours, rinse it.

Silver plate

12 practical tips for cleaning at home

Table silver is easy to clean with boiling water, aluminum foil and salt. All this must be placed in a bowl or in the sink and leave for 30 minutes. The devices will be clean!

Sofa from microfiber

12 practical tips for cleaning at home

Remove spots from the sofa will help a clean white brush and a small amount of alcohol. To get rid of the unpleasant smell, apply a small amount of soda.

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