Warming up vertical


Undoubtedly, one of the most spectacular techniques in the design of the modern garden is vertical gardening. Select curly plants for your home is easy. But still listen to some of our advice.

Liana "One-story"

If you have a one-storey house, you will be suitable low lianas, rising not higher than 2.5-3 meters. They are usually planted near the walls (most often between windows or entrance to the house. If these places are well lit by the Sun, then stop your choice on low beautifully-flowing lies or liaans with decorative foliage. For example, varietal large-flowered clematics of a group of Viteller or Jacma group. Each autumn They need to cut low, as they bloom on shoots of this year.

You can stop your choice on large-flowered plenty roses, honeys (for example, Brown or Telman), princesses (alpine, large-bearing or Siberian), as well as in grapes ordinary.

Herbatous perennials are suitable for well-lit sunny places: fragrant polka dots, china broad-sized, Ipomea Purpina, Kobeya climbing, etc.

Designer landing rules

Chose suitable Lians? Okay! Just try not to mix too many types of Lian, as they are not always beautifully combined with each other. For example, the strong and lush plants look great and alone, but a combination of two or three types of Lian is needed in color, foliage, color color, and colors Flowering timing.

For example, to the lattice, the graceful Clematis of the Purpurea Plena Elegans grade with small launched purple terry flowers, you can put a tangutis Clematis with contrasting yellow flowers (they bloom at the same time, in July-August).

Liana "Two-storey"

If you have a two-storey house or house with an attic, then more tall lianas can be filled between the windows of the first and second floors. There it is necessary to plant plants that are quite compact at the bottom, but above the top expands widely to the sides.

For walls with sufficient lighting, small-bedroom vacuum roses are chosen, rudely blooming on horizontal shoots (for example, SUPER DOROTHY or CRIMSON Rambler), which are allowed on the sheer grills: in winter they are lowered to the ground and hide.

Are your favorite lianas - Clematis?

Then choose the most increasing varieties, for example, Clematis grape-olive and pittered.

Aktinidia polygamine and kolomykt, honeysight of the honeycomb, in the south of Shikarnaya will look wicinia reboundless, belching belch, the grapes of the girl, forest and rock.

The shoots of these lian grow pretty quickly, so they will need forming trimming, corrective direction of their growth.

For high houses with a deaf wall

If the house is high, and the wall is deaf or there are few windows on it, then you can use the largest lianas. They create a pleasant shadow on the terrace, as well as very good to decorate the high trigleys, wallping the patio site near the house.

Here are planted, for example, Amur grapes with beautiful, slightly wrinkled leaves. A real "live fur coat", able to bite the whole house, creates a dense deciduous cover of the flaming all the shades of the red grapes of the virgin.

For large areas, the chinese lemongrass will be suitable, the sorcelocks are round and brush-shaped with golden autumn foliage, as well as Kirkazona Large and Manchursky with large dark green leaves, perfectly growing in darkened places.

How to trim

As a rule, woody is strained by strong growth of shoots, which in a short time can braid and windows, and doorways. It happens that they grow not in the direction, in which it was intended. Therefore, they must be regularly subject to corrective trimming, mercilessly removing all the extra shoots.

In addition to the corrective trimming, they are needed and sanitary when it is necessary to remove dry, weak, damaged and old shoots.

Cutting beautiful cream

Beautiful-flowering is primarily roses and clematis. Their trimming depends on the nature of flowering. Small-ceiling plenty roses blooming from early summer on the shoots of last year, cut a little after flowering, keeping most of the shoots.

Blooming Late Latest Press Roses (Claimizer and Schraba), as well as Clematis groups of Vitellel, Jacmana, Textseenzis, blooming on the shoots of this year, is cut off in autumn to a height of 40-50 cm. True, they can be cropped and early in the spring, keeping overwhelming shoots kidneys. With such a trimming, these lianas will bloom even earlier.

Than consolidate

Plants on the wall are conveniently attached using a wire or cord stretched on hooks, which are mounted in the wall, as well as plastic and piping grids. You can use the bundled lattices and trellies of wood or metal, which are 10-20 cm.

The shoots of Lian larger are directed along the wall using a g-or t-shaped grid, envelopes windows.

For the cultivation of thermal-loving clematis and plenty roses, it is convenient to use grilles with hinges in the lower part, on which the lattices fall on the ground with Lianami.

Warming up vertical

Warming up vertical

Warming up vertical

Warming up vertical

Warming up vertical

Warming up vertical

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