We make a necklace from the old chandelier, MK


A kick for creativity can be all anything :) "When you know, from what kind of sera," it applies not only to verses, but also to the rest. In this particular case, the old Soviet chandelier became a pink for creating a summer necklace from copper wire and glass. Well, turn on the "Alpha Creator" mode and proceed?

It turns out that:

We make a necklace from the old chandelier, MK

Have you ever made it possible to make an old woman in the garbage, who saw many types of chandelier? I've got ready for days here! Against the will brightening a close acquaintance with dusty mugs with sparkling mandes :) Such, you know, the flavors of the agonizing socialism, glass, with a bunch of hanging ... in the pompous-pretentious style of "Ghost Opera", but a budget mini-option for small-sized Khrushchev, such a rack Varieta;) assembled on garbage wires.

And when I was already floating this ringing monster on the garbage, hamster hurried from my inner zoo and, like the goat from the "Autumn Marathon," screamed in an inhuman voice "Yes, that is a way, people who are missing! WHAT How many beads disappears! She , Parims, for the living money beads buys, and here, you can say, the gift of fate - two kilos of glass on free! ". From such screams, comrades, I immediately stalled in my" futo "on a landfill, here to hamster Toad joined (in my inner zoo and it is).

In general, I sat on the rug at the entrance door and began to disassemble the ringing drum on beads and hanging. The class meditative, while it was hung, I suddenly covered with a creator and I came out that you can make from the part of these glass beads. The skeleton remains of the chandelier (hello, Dr. Brennan!) Still went to the garbage, frighten homeless, crows and cats, and beads (part of them) - here they are:

We make a necklace from the old chandelier, MK

I began to go for the work, and then I was illuminated again that now at the Fair of Masters there is a competition of master classes on the alteration of old things in New (I read these MK in the company and toads with great interest with great interest) and, in principle, it would be interesting Shoot and describe the process. Moreover, in this transformation, such a valuable Wire Wrap for the favorite method of chaos plays the main role. Unfortunately, I did not pull the monstrous chandelier for the mosstand, only beads. Anyway! Turn on the "Ghost Opera", 2004, director Joel Schumacher, as a ghost of Gerard Butler (Nam-Yam), we are accepted!

To create necklaces from chandelier - Lyutrolliya! - We will need:

  1. Copper wire with a thickness of up to 1.2-1.5 mm (thicker is not necessary), about 2.5 meters.
  2. Copper wire with a thickness of 0.8 mm (about 60 cm), it is for pins.
  3. Copper wire with a thickness of 0.4-0.6 mm (for winding), meter one and a half somewhere.
  4. Glass beads and bubbles from the old chandelier.
  5. Small beads from stone for reviving (from glass, and from wood, and from acrylic - that hamster will find in the farm).
  6. Toolkit (Standard Wiraper Set):

We make a necklace from the old chandelier, MK

To begin with, glass beads must be laundered - they are all dusty, even sticky places - well, how many years this flavor first hung on the ceiling, the angry dsp-sleeper of the Garden interior, and then, who, like Kraken's kraken, was lying on the balcony, and clung to everyone Pants and tights, causing multi-storey Botthasky Curses :)

Missing beads best, putting them into a tightly closing plastic container, falling asleep with a washing powder, boiling water bay. And - begin to dance the shaman dance, using a closed container instead of a tambourine! Glyp-snip-snug! Melon-melon-melon! Glyp-snip-snug! Bryak-Schony-Zap! At the same time, the muscles of the hands are pushing, and the bored chakras hang out) to dance it is necessary to dance for about ten minutes, we neatively merge dirty water, rinse beads and bubbles with clean water, you can with a small amount of vinegar (worse it will not), throw it out to dry on a rag.

Now we make the central element of Lyutroll. Of the two washed blooms, one bigger, another smaller. We need to make a duplex. Two in one, shorter. The one is more than, below, the one that is smaller, on top. Size matters ;)

We make a necklace from the old chandelier, MK

To begin with, you wind out small flowers fine wire in place of the junction of petals, making two turns (so beautiful). Wire must be cleaned with varnish (if it is in varnish) and zero on the gas burner to be softer. How to cleaned from varnish - I read a large skirt, passing the wire through the skin, tightly gropped in my fingers. If you are doing this for the first time, it's better to dress cotton hobs, well, such, with blue pupils on "palms". They will be removed from possible injuries - cut down or burn the wire, as a guitar string, is very unpleasant. Our task at this stage of the workshop is to enroll the flowes by petals, giving it a more "noble" look. Type, not a loader, and Merchandiser (not to be confused with a tangometer and driver).

Now we take a wire 0.8 with a length of about 20 cm. We do at her at the end of the ball (on the gas burner or burner, it is strictly vertical on the flame, to follow the flames are strictly vertically, to watch the handle shakes). It will be our main holder for the central element. We dress up a small stone bead on PIN (I took a synthetic turquoise or painted govitus, well, what is the word indecent, uhrozhu-uzhos))) now stick the wire and in the opening of the BE of our finely illumanded Wheel Flower:

We make a necklace from the old chandelier, MK

Put off while the whole thing is aside. Take big blooms. It, too, in the petals weocking a thin wire, we make three or four rounds (depends on the diameter of the central opening of the blooming, we have to be shovel there). Thin wires must be long! She will come in handy further. Twisted and slightly all this case with the inside fastened in a circle:

We make a necklace from the old chandelier, MK

Now, op-la, hand dexterity and solid fraud, combine brands, that is, they pour small blooms with a bead to a major:

We make a necklace from the old chandelier, MK

All the extra tips of thin wire hide in the holes either between the flowers. They will not go anywhere from there. Pulled out a pin from the inside, lost the sweat, take for the crash of the holding. We are from the tail of a wire of 0.8 mm need to do something like "eight" on two petals of blooming. As a propeller! The upper part will go like a flower suspenser to a chandeller in general, the lower part is like an adorny hanging hanging on the bottom. Hmm, "This is a fishing, not caught!", As they talked in my favorite "lawyers of Boston" :)

Here is our propeller:

We make a necklace from the old chandelier, MK

Cut off the extra end of the wire, leaving about a millimeter three, these three millimeters bend and introduce it (I am pronounced, immediately a vulnerable joke remembered the "remaining half acemeter"))) in the flower hole so that nothing is frantic. Climb the slower. Propeller-holder is ready!

Now we need to fasten it to the coitches of thin wire around two petals so that all this is tight. To do this, we take our long thin wire and, without losing the calm arrangement of the Spirit, we lead it with dense turns around the wire 0.8 (propeller) and three or four turns of thin wire around the petals (it will be necessary to slightly push away with some thin tool with thin thin Wires from the flower surface to suck the winding there).

We make a necklace from the old chandelier, MK

This work is the most vigorous in the manufacture of chandellars. I released Tupayu from my inner zoo from my inner zoo and calmly 20 minutes tupil on the winding under the Aria "Ghost". Actually, the central element is ready:

We make a necklace from the old chandelier, MK

Everything is screwed, nothing can go anywhere. This is how it looks with an inside to make it clearer who was on whom stood (c) prof. Preobrazhensky :)

We make a necklace from the old chandelier, MK

Now you need to make a chandelier itself! It we will do from glass lustrobusin and copper beads-glomers. Glass litters will be revised by Govlite Beads (prostate).

We take a wire of 0.8, we ride the govitus-liderobusin-govitus on it, then tighten the round-rolls from two sides of the rings, like this:

We make a necklace from the old chandelier, MK

These steps are meditatively repeating as many times as the lustrobusin for Lyutrolling. I decided to make it quite short "under the neck", so I got such beads a little, I did six, even stayed, I then let them goes on the earrings. Yes, the rings at the ends, I slightly knock off the hammer so that we were early.

We make a necklace from the old chandelier, MK

Everything, in fact, these beads are ready, put them aside.

Now, dear public, the most interesting starts! We make beads-tangles from copper wire with a thickness of 1.2-1.5 mm. They are done very simply (I generally love simplicity, it is known, worse than theft;)) We take a wire (right in isolation, if you are in isolation) and a ruler and cut wire on a piece of 40 cm long. Actually ruler It is necessary only for cutting off the first piece, all the others cut on it: they put it - cut off, put it - cut off, felt like a scroll as many times as the beads needed. I have them eight and ninth - just in case, a spare player.

We make a necklace from the old chandelier, MK

Now we tear off the wire isolation with the help of a stationery knife. Nasty work, alas, but without it nowhere. Made a robbery, take the first piece of wire ... not, not so!

In short. Shob twice not to get up :) We need to do a few identical beads, I will explain on the example of one, as it is done, but if you do, then, of course, all the steps are better to do "wholesale" in all beads immediately.

So. We take a wire 40 cm, we are taking the tips with a wrinkle, so that they are not sharp, Shaitan-Yeah, their eyes savage! We grab the hammer, look at the clock - if it's a late night, it is better to postpone a sledgeometer until the morning, if not, you drive out of the room of children, husbands and other pets and beat the wire on anvil to a flat state!

We make a necklace from the old chandelier, MK

Attention! Do not take care of accuracy and evenness. Here it is not necessary! Lupims, as it turns out where to thicker, where it is thinner, if somewhere something twisted - it's not a problem never. Does not root, as my mom said.

Well, all, beavers, exhale. Beat off.

We make a necklace from the old chandelier, MK

Twist the bagel bagel and go to the kitchen to fade. A woman with a shape, "fries" copper wire knuckle on a gas burner, produces an indelible impression on the uninitiated :)

We make a necklace from the old chandelier, MK

They werezhen, cooled in cold water, do not whiten in any way, they simply unwound a softer bagel-knuckle back into the wire.

And now - the deadly number! Take the round row! Take your fingers! And begin to wind out of our wire "Tangle". Yes Yes Yes! How from wool! Just from the wire.

We make a necklace from the old chandelier, MK

The turns in all directions, we intersect, twisting the wire itself, can be written under the lower layers, you can not let it ... In general, the theory of chaos in action! The main principle is not slipping. At first it may seem complicated, but with the third-fourth bead, it will go to the way - tested for yourself!

We make a necklace from the old chandelier, MK

Mega-bonus: If the bead-tangle did not work, it can be broken back, rebel again and wind again! And several times.

The remaining tip of the wire must be carefully hooked, drive somewhere inside the beads and stronger to press there, as they say, did not climb where it is not necessary.

We make a necklace from the old chandelier, MK

Everything, Bead is ready!

We make a necklace from the old chandelier, MK

So I hear the question from the hall "Is it possible to notice not annealed carrotchin?". I answer my good viewer in the ninth row: it is possible if you are not tied to your fingers. I'm tied to my pretty tightly for no short forty years and I want to not part with them and then, so I prefer to fade to softness :)

There was a mega-bonus number two: if you have a strong man in the farm somewhere, then here we have the same, rare, like aloe blooming, situyevina when it really comes in handy! Raise a strong man from the sofa (well, he probably was lying on there?) And ask him to help us .... Motion tangle. When it is an adjustable, from which it is to wind, he will do it that he will not even be objected to asking Stopicottymliners of stupid questions. Just wounds :)

You can finished copper gloves (and even needed) slightly squeeze the pliers and even slightly discourage the hammer to become hardworth. But very slightly! Without fanaticism! So that nothing sobsal.

We make a necklace from the old chandelier, MK

Well, that's all our cluster beads are made:

We make a necklace from the old chandelier, MK

Now we are from the glass chandelobusin, we will collect a chandelier. Beads-tangles will also revive the govitel. To do this, we will skip the wire 0.8 right through the tangle. Here, such beads can be quite easy to rinse on a wire:

We make a necklace from the old chandelier, MK

In every bead, Piham Ping, wear from above-below the Goviti Bead, tighten the rings:

We make a necklace from the old chandelier, MK

Here are all the details of our chandeller:

We make a necklace from the old chandelier, MK

Now collect! We make rings from wire 1.2-1.5 mm. They will wear beads from glass and copper beads.

Noahua: how to make rings of the same diameter with a pollinka. With this problem, any Vairaper and the jewer collector faces. Everything is simple, as a corpuscular wave theory :) I take an immesible marker and draw on the round-line line:

We make a necklace from the old chandelier, MK

And all the rings for one thing are wagged either along the top edge of the line, or at the bottom. The diameter turns out the same. It is clear that you can draw a few lines. Cheap and angry. When this line will erase (sooner or later) - just draw a new one.

Collect the chandelier! One part, the second part:

We make a necklace from the old chandelier, MK

We hide the central element from the blooming yes, you guess, in the center. On it, we hide the bubbles from litters and beads of the tangle from below. Twist and pepper the lock. Ready!

We make a necklace from the old chandelier, MK

I also have extra beads from glass remained, made of them small earrings "in style".

Everything! UNCC!

Final: sketching in the vapor of ammonia. For this, Yuzay, for example, the same container-tambourine, with whom they danced at the beginning of our loser-quest. Patched, cleaned the copper parts with a metal brush or skin (the brush is more convenient here). It is not necessary to polish anything, here, in general, than sprawling, the steeper :) and - again everything! Here it is, a necklace from an old chandelier - Lyutrollee "Drought Variety":

We make a necklace from the old chandelier, MK

For the summer - the most it is. To the dress from the unpacked flax of the "burlap" system, or a knit-talking T-shirt rolling on the Urya, adding alpha-creators' sadness. By the way, the word "Creator" does not have a female genus (the creature is not considered). But we are still creators, right? They gave a new life with an old chandelier, at least some parts :)

We make a necklace from the old chandelier, MK

Thanks for attention!


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