Frog from mounting foam, MK


Frog from mounting foam, MK

Frog from mounting foam, MK

Frog from mounting foam, MK

Frog from mounting foam, MK

Frog from mounting foam, MK

Frog from mounting foam, MK

Frog from mounting foam, MK

You will need:

1 Mounting foam cylinder, 1 old saucepan with a diameter of 20-23cm, 1Bank (metallic) from a tomato paste - 1l, 2Busins ​​(for eyes), oil paint (white) and a kel.

1. Fill, and we water both tanks foam. Give dry.

2. We fasten the torso and head with the help of wire, studs, sticks ..., fix the same foam.

3. Insert the wire into the location of the alleged paws. We pour carefully, gradually with intervals for drying. Eye to insert in the last place, after painting the animal!

Kras and frog ready!

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