Barbecue Barbecue with your own hands


Barca Barbecue Barbecue

It is difficult to submit any holiday without tasty and juicy. Skewers . And the kebab, for many, is the main decoration of the table. Traditionally, we are accustomed to the meat to ripped on the semumbur, but more and more often we adopt the traditions that came to us from the West and use the grill grill for the barbecue.

And the matter is not even in tradition, but in the fact that there is quite convenient to cook on the lattice not only kebabs, but also sausages, ribs, chicken, fish and even sniff and bake potatoes. In connection with which I propose Make a barbecue barbecue with your own hands Where a metal barrel will be taken as the basis.

Metal barrel can be used from under fuel or other liquids. Depending on your requirements, we use a barrel 200, 100 or 60 liters.

Metal barrel for mangala barbecue

First of all, you must remove the paint from the barrel surface. With this case, a corner-lining machine with a petal disk or brush is easily coping. However, before starting work, it is necessary to make sure that inside the barrel there is no flammable fluid, and if there are those are present, the residues are disposed of, and the safety bar can be filled with water.

Painting Barrel Cleaning

The chimney for the mangala barbecue is made of 70mm. Steel pipe (for 200l. Barrels), in the form of a knee, having pre-cut it at an angle of 45 degrees, and thoroughly fighting the joint.

Chimney for mangala barbecue

In the barrel itself, with the help of a corner car cut out the door. The size of the door is 1/4 from the circumference of the barrel. It is also necessary to leave 2 cm from the edges.

Mangala Barbecue Manga

To during operation, the cover did not fall inside the mangala, to the lid on the sides, braziness, weld the strips of metal, taking points every 2-3cm.

Barca Barbecue Barbecue

The inner surface of the barrel is definitely owed from oil residues. Very good in this case helps washing powder, diluted in warm water.

The barbecue mangala stand can be made folded from the profile pipe (preferably rectangular section). The pipe size depends on the size of the barrel used (for example, 20x30mm, 30x40mm.).

Barbecue Mangala Stand

From the pipes weld the framework, where one frame is more, and the other is slightly smaller (entered into each other). In the center, we fasten the bolt (the bolt serves as a hinge), not forgetting to put the puck between the frames, to provide the gap, so that the frames move freely.

Barca Barbecue Barbecue

Loops to cover screw with bolts and nuts

Mounting canopies to the mangalu

The walls of the barrel are thin and sharp, therefore, in order to safety, to the lid and the barrel itself, it is desirable to additionally welcome the strip of more than thick metal.

Barca Barbecue Barbecue

As a handle for the door, you can use any metal purchased handle. Alternatively, you can cook the handle from the profile pipe 20x20mm.

Installing a handle on a barbecue barbecue

To maintain the lattice, the steel wire with a diameter of 8 -10mm is passed through the entire barrel (upper and lower row).

Barca Barbecue Barbecue

In the bottom row, on both sides, the wire performs 7 cm. From the edges of the barrel and, welding between them the segment of the same wire, we get a handle for transferring the mangala barbecue.

Barca Barbecue Barbecue

Also in the side walls of the lower part of the barrel we drill holes for ventilation. Additionally, in the bottom of the mangala barbecue, drilling drain holes for draining water, which can get during the rain.

Barca Barbecue Barbecue

We weld up with one of the sides, for which you can hang inventory for barbecue.

Little hooks for inventory and ventilation hole

As a grill, the grill can be used purchased, or use stainless steel mesh.

Grill Grill for Barbecue Barbecue

When a barbecue is ready, you can begin painting. To do this, carefully degrease the surface and paint black heat-resistant paint (for example, paint in the silencers can

Barca Barbecue Barbecue

If there is a need to monitor the temperature in the grill, you can install the thermal sensor in the cover.

Barca Barbecue Barbecue

Barca Barbecue Barbecue

To fix the lid in the open state, you can fasten the usual door hook.

Barca Barbecue Barbecue

Barbecue mangal Manufactured do it yourself Ready, and now you can proceed to its operation. However, I want to note that the thickness of the walls in the barrel is small, so to disperse firewood in this mangal undesirable because the metal will quickly proceed. In this case, you can only use charcoal. Either take measures to thickening the bottom of the mangala barbecue.

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