Side on the kitchen stool


In the kitchen, you want comfort, because in the modern house the kitchen is a family hearth. A family is going here in the evening, here everything should be comfortable and convenient. In order for households to be conveniently sitting on the kitchen stool, fasten the funny sid on it.

Side on the kitchen stool

I had a very interesting trim of fabric with a picture: Safari. I really wanted to beat this drawing, so that he would somehow "play" his theme. Here I decided to use it for this purpose. Besides him, I still needed threads in tone and my favorite Fleas material (soft and warm).

Side on the kitchen stool

First you need a centimeter ribbon to measure the seat of the kitchen stool. I got 32 to 32 centimeters. Such a size and need to cut two parts: the top (picking up the picture) and the lining from the fleece, adding on each side to 1 centimeter on the seams.

For the ruffle, I picked up and cut off the main piece of fabric striped (with an edge), capable of the color scheme to emphasize the idea of ​​the picture.

The width of the strip was 6 centimeters, long equal to two lengths of the perimeter of the stool (for the frill).

Tip :: Length can be more, but in no case is no less, otherwise the friction will be scarce.

Sidew I decided to slightly stop. To do this, I fixed two details together (top and lining from the fleece), silenting them around the perimeter to the line. Now the details will not be eaten about each other.

Side on the kitchen stool

Fastened along the contour of the pattern and waves (creating imitation of vegans from sand). This photo shows how it happened:

Side on the kitchen stool

The ruffle needs to be slightly assembled. To do this, at a distance of 0.3 cm from the edge, we lay the light line at the maximum length of the stitch, sending the upper thread. Having retreated from it to 0, 5 cm, lay parallel to the second line.

Side on the kitchen stool

Now, pulling at the same time for two threads with one side of the ruffle, you can create neat, uniform folds. The lifting line with the main part is laid in the middle of these two lines. After that, the threads that were used for tightening are removed.

Side on the kitchen stool

Before crossing the ruffle, a slightly rounded the corners of the future sidewa. It is necessary in order to not arise the difficulties of the cracking of the ruffle and it does not shine. Ruffer notify to the main part. At the corners of the folds on the ruffle to make thick. It is necessary that it lay well.

Side on the kitchen stool

Send the ruffs, handle seam. Then seams should be touched. From the front side by the main part, moving the seam to the middle of the product, lay the line at a distance of 0.1-0.2 cm from the bend.

Like this:

Side on the kitchen stool

We make ties on the seat: cut out from the main fabric strips with a length of 40 cm and a width of 5 cm.

Side on the kitchen stool

We fee into the cuts inside and drain. Such strips should be 4 pieces.

Side on the kitchen stool

We connect ties with the seat, putting them on the corner of the part and attending on both sides.

Like this:

Side on the kitchen stool

Put a truncle on the stool, and tied up with his legs, so that the seat did not go.

Here, the seat on the kitchen stool is ready:

Side on the kitchen stool

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