How to close the hole in the concrete wall


What to close the hole in the wall and how to do it?

Life often prevents us surprises, and they are not always pleasant. Sooner or later, each of us happens to face various household problems that you have to solve yourself.

It is unlikely that anyone will refer to the specialists, if the hole formed on the wall of the wall. It doesn't matter how it appeared, but it must be eliminated.

However, in reality there is nothing complicated to close the hole in the wall itself.

How to close holes in a brick or concrete wall

The scale of repair work of the surface of the brick or concrete wall will depend on the amount of damage. If these are holes left when removing old nails, screws or dowels, it is enough to smell them with a putty or special repair mixture.

Consider step by step as it can be done:

  • To do this, take a long nail or screwdriver and expand the hole. It must be done so that the putty penetrates inward as deep as possible.
  • Then the dry tassel or vacuum cleaner from the resulting dust and crumbs.
  • Now moisten the resulting hole with water. For this purpose, you can use again with a brush or sprayer, or a piece of foam rubber. It should be done so that moisture from the repair mixture or putty quickly absorbed into the wall.
  • After a few minutes, cover the damaged place, thoroughly rubbing the mixture into the hole.
  • After absolute drying, clean the surface of fine-grained emery paper.
  • Now the place can be painted or salary.

Hole in concrete wall

If the hole in the wall is quite large and deep, for example, it remained after replacing pipes or dismantling an electrical outlet, then in this case one putty will not be enough. You will need or cement, or building gypsum, or a ready-made repair mix for concrete, which can be purchased in a construction store.

What needs to be done in this case:

  • Before close the hole in the wall, prepare a hole, clearing it from the garbage and mixes it with water.
  • Then fill in the void with pieces of stone or brick mixed with cement mortar. It will save putty and strengthen the restored place. Cement mortar for this purpose is prepared from one part of the cement and three parts of the sand. In such a case, it is also possible to use a building gypsum or a repair mix for concrete.
  • When this cement (or gypsum) "patch" dries off, cover it, carefully filling and leveling the remaining emptiness and the resulting cracks.
  • The place treated in this way should dry well. It will take at least 12 hours.
  • When everything sounds good enough, align the surface with fine-grained emery paper. So that this place is not concerned about the ugly hill, it should be combined with the rest of the wall.
  • The wall is aligned, and now it is quite possible to paint or park with wallpaper.

Ending holes in concrete wall

If interpanel seams diverged in the premises of the building in the room or a deep crack was formed, then it is not necessary to break the head than to close this hole in the wall. In this case, use the mounting foam, which is sold in aerosol cylinders in any construction store. It excellently fills emptiness, easily penetrating even in difficult places available.

Mounting foam perfectly sticks to different surfaces and quickly solidifies the air. So a good result in the process of eliminating deep slots and holes you are guaranteed.

  • Before proceeding with work, prepare a place - clean it from dirt, dust and other garbage. Moisten the surface of the wall.
  • Before applying a foam, you need to shake the balloon well so that its contents turn into a homogeneous mass. You will have no less than a minute.
  • During work, keep the balloon upside down, as the gas contained in it, which displaces the mounting foam, is easier for it.
  • Filling the vertical slots should be taken up.
  • If the hole is too deep, apply the contents of the cylinder with layers, overlapping a new layer after drying the previous one.
  • Filling out the hole, do not touch the raw mounting foam with your hands, it can change the structure of the material and slow down the process of solidification. Wait until it dries.
  • Remove the surplus dried foam with a knife and cover the surface.
  • When the putty dries, align the place of fine-grained emery paper.

Now you yourself see that it is simple and easy without any assistance to extract any hole in a concrete or brick surface, whatever size it is.

The main thing is to correctly assess the scale of repair work and fulfill them according to the rules for using the material that you will apply during the restoration of your wall.

How to close holes in drywall

Now in many homes and apartments walls are decorated with plasterboard. And this is a fairly fragile material that can be easily caused serious damage. As a result of a random strike, a plasterboard can be broken. And how to close the hole in the wall in this case? It should not be prepared for serious repair.

In this case, it is enough to put a simple patch on the canvas.

To do this, cut the rectangle around the damaged place. From the new sheet of drywall, make a patch using a cut piece of an old web as a template. From the reverse side of the hole formed in the wall screws, attach two wooden rails parallel to each other. Now put there cooked paid and secure it with screws. Slip the edges. When the surface is driving, treat it fine-grained emery paper. That's all. Reduce this place, and no one knows that there was a hole when it was.

Patch in plasterboard wall

Holes from nails or screws on a plasterboard surface in plexuses do not need. They are just enough to sharpen.

So all the tricks close up of holes in the wall. We hope that our advice will help you with adequately cope with this problem.

Gennady shared.

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