Dress - Combination with your own hands


Dress - Combination with your own hands

With the arrival of summer, many of us update your wardrobe. Of course, you can go to the store for new clothes, and you can try to do something with your own hands. And I want to offer you to sew for the summer the simplest dress-combination. This dress is perfect for hot weather and will be appropriate for the evening summer image.

Sew the combination dress is not so difficult: simple cut, the lack of fasteners and drapery simplify the sewing process that does not take long.

In this article, I want to share with you, my way of making a combination dress.


Let's start our work with designing the pattern of the dresses.

To do this, we draw or take the finished pattern of the base of the dress and we will construct additional extracts 1 and 2 on it.

Dress - Combination with your own hands

Now on the back and shelf dresses, we will raise the waist line up 1.5 cm. Reduced the width of the back and the shelter: on the new waist line for 1-2 cm (since there are no molds on the waist on the waist), and along the line of the armor 1cm (since the base of the dress is given with an increase in free felting).

Dress - Combination with your own hands

Expand the back and shelf at the bottom 5cm and draw new side cuts (side slice at the waist line can be issued with more smooth lines)

Dress - Combination with your own hands

Build new top lines shelves and backs.

Dress - Combination with your own hands

The upper sections of the shelves and backs can be any, it all depends on your desire

Dress - Combination with your own hands

Cut out our pattern on new cuts, we close the breaststuff and molding 1 and 2, which we translate into the breaststuff in the side seam. When closing the outtage, the upper and front sections of the shelves are disturbed, which we will simply complete. For a smooth fit of the chest, the length of the new dye can be reduced by 3 cm, for large sizes of the chest length can be reduced by 5 cm.

Dress - Combination with your own hands

(Note, we reduce only the length, and not the molding solution itself). I do not cut out on the waist, since there are no them in our model. Our pattern is ready! And we turn to the cutting fabric.

Cutting fabric

What fabric is best suitable for a combination dress? Of course, a traditional fabric is suitable for a combination - silk, satin, chiffon, but since we are sewing a dress, not underwear, so other flowing fabrics are suitable, as well as lightweight swim fabrics. I decided to sew from the viscose. Most recently discovered this fabric and fell in love with her.

Dress - Combination with your own hands

Despite the fact that this tissue is synthetic, it is manufactured from natural raw materials. To the touch fabric is a very soft and pleasant body. In hot weather in clothes from the viscose fabric, it is very comfortable and not at all hot, since the viscose misses the air well and dries quickly. The minus of this fabric is easy, but at the same time it is easily smoothed. Therefore, I highly recommend this tissue for summer clothes.

Fabric consumption for a combination dress will be slightly less than a meter.

Also for work we will need fliesline, threads in tone and contrasting and tools.

Dress - Combination with your own hands

We proceed to the cutting fabric.

Moving the fabric is twice as the front side and on the involving side of the fabric we will leave our patterns with front cuts to the spin of the fabric. Putting in all sections we make 1cm.

Dress - Combination with your own hands

We had two details: the back and shelf of the combination dress.

Dress - Combination with your own hands


Dress - Combination with your own hands

We turn them on the sewing machine, and then the stitching seams, and the sweeps themselves are affected by the bottom of the product.

Dress - Combination with your own hands

Side sections can be treated in the usual way, but if you have a thin fabric, then I suggest you use the French seam.

To do this, we will add our details. Pouring side inside and sweep the shelf and the back of the side slices Facial.

Dress - Combination with your own hands

Dress - Combination with your own hands

Still the seams and turn them.

Dress - Combination with your own hands

Now turn out our product on the wrong side And already in withdrawal, we sweep the side seams.

Dress - Combination with your own hands

Still them on the typewriter and flying. We got a beautiful treated side seam, i.e. We did not have to get out of the allowance, and the allowances ourselves are affected by the back of the product.

Dress - Combination with your own hands

Go to the processing of the top cutting of our dress. The upper cut is processed in several ways, I suggest using a sercoal chain. This wrap is characterized by the fact that it completely repeats the upper sections of the product and lies with a width of 4 cm.

We take our paper pattern of a combination dress and either cut the garment from this pattern, or on the new paper we will circle the top lines of the dress and a daughter width of 4 cm.

Dress - Combination with your own hands

On the fabric we will reveal the garment with the same allowances as our dress. Duplicate Fliselin Cleaver

Dress - Combination with your own hands

And sweep it on lateral cuts.

Dress - Combination with your own hands

We turn on the typewriter, the seams are flying and irip, and the lower cutout by driving (I as always took advantage of Zigzag, but it is more correct to use Overlock).

Dress - Combination with your own hands

At this stage, we will stop and postpone the treatment of upper sections for a while, since we need to make straps, which will faster simultaneously with the processing of the upper sections.

We need very thin straps, so we will use the tissue sewing technology from the fabric. To do this, apply a strip from the tissue, 3 cm wide and the desired length (I took a length with a margin, because it is easier to cut the excess, than to sew missing centimeters). In order for our cords to be smooth, the strips are worth chopping at an angle of 45 degrees to the equity and transverse tissue threads.

Dress - Combination with your own hands

Dress - Combination with your own hands

Sliced ​​strips we put along in half and laying the line, retreating 4mm from the flap of the fabric. Patch seams.

Dress - Combination with your own hands

We have a very big allowance, but we will not cut them, because these points will fill the cavity of the cord, and the cord will have dense and volumetric cord.

Now take a big needle with thread and secure the thread at the tip of our cord.

Dress - Combination with your own hands

I see the needle to the hole of the cord and pull out the thread, thereby turning the cord on the front side.

Dress - Combination with your own hands

This time-consuming process, but not complicated, the main patience! And so we turned out such a turned cord.

Dress - Combination with your own hands

So that our future straps were very smooth and beautiful, the cord must be moistened and dried in a stretched state. To do this, I took advantage of the back of the chair.

Dress - Combination with your own hands

After drying, our lace began to look like this.

Dress - Combination with your own hands

Note, the number of strapless on the combination dress depends only on your desire, there can be only two, and maybe all 10, in my version 6 straps.

It is now very important to measure the exact length of our strapless. To do this, we try our dress on yourself and fix straps with pins, put a sebage on the straps. Remove the surplus and mint our straps face, At the same time, it is very important to wunt the straps so that the straps themselves are lowered down and the ends "watched" up (see photo).

Dress - Combination with your own hands

How straps will have on your dress, depends only on your desire. Outowing straps, to the front side of our dress we impose a subcounting facial face. And sweep the wrapper with the upper cut of the product.

Dress - Combination with your own hands

Still the hint and dress on the typewriter and seam.

Dress - Combination with your own hands

We will decompose the wrapper and dress so that the allowances from us remain on the side of the wrapper and carry a line on the slip, retreating from the split seam 1mm.

Dress - Combination with your own hands

That's what should work.

Dress - Combination with your own hands

This line will allow us to easily turn the garment on the wrong side of the dress and at the same time we do not need to take off the seam.

Dress - Combination with your own hands

Turn the coverage on the wrong side and the flying. In this case, the ends of the strapless will be hidden under the lifting, i.e. On the wrong side, they will not be seen that from aesthetic point of view is very good!

We left to treat the lower cut of our dress by any suitable way to us. I decided to use the easiest - twice turned the edge of the product on the wrong side

Dress - Combination with your own hands

And paved the line, retreating 1mm from the upper bend. Weeping seam.

Dress - Combination with your own hands

And we carry out the final wet-thermal processing. Our dress is ready!

Dress - Combination with your own hands

Dress - Combination with your own hands

If desired, the dress can be decorated with beautiful lace.

We try on our model.

Dress - Combination with your own hands

Dress - Combination with your own hands

Dress - Combination with your own hands

The dress was concise, so there were a lot of shoes, with which it combines: you can play on contrasts, adding rough shoes to the image.

Dress - Combination with your own hands

Dress - Combination with your own hands

Dress - Combination with your own hands

On the evening walk you can wear such a dress in combination with kimono cape

Dress - Combination with your own hands

Dress - Combination with your own hands

Dress - Combination with your own hands

And the cool evening in combination with a soft and surround cardigan.

I have everything on this!

Shared MK - Piteson.

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