Children's Case - Kitchen for Chair


Author - Alesia.

Children's Case Cuisine for Chair
The cuisine is ideal for small rooms or temporary playgrounds for games. Judge yourself: you can be folded, stored in the box and take out when you need.

For this we need:

• a piece of cotton fabric for the base of a length of 2 meters

• Scissors

• Rhunt

• Tight paper or cardboard sheet

• Fabric for curtains for about 50 cm.

• Fabric for side pockets for about 50 cm

• Small pieces of colored fabric suitable for burners, handles, oven doors, windows, and so on. We offer to take a blue tissue, a little dark shade and a little light.

• Small strips of different color fabric

• The cloth is dark blue for edging cover for about 8 meters

• Several hooks and stripes of fabric on velcro: It will come in handy for the door of the oven

• 4 large buttons

• Sewing machine

• Iron

• Pencil or felt-tip

Children's Case Cuisine for Chair
After that, it is worth measuring the chair to which you plan to wear a cover.

A: Height from the seating to the floor

Q: Front Chair Width

C: Sitting Depth

D: Sitting Width at the back

E: Height of the back of the seat

If you do not plan to wear a cover for some particular chair, you can focus on the following numbers: the height and depth of the chair 46 cm, width 48 cm. The height of the back varies between 50 and 60 cm

Children's Case Cuisine for Chair
Take cotton fabric and start cutting.

We should get this:

1) One piece of fabric must correspond to the height of the floor seating and the width of the seating in front.

2) Two segments of the fabric must match the depth of the chair seating. These will be the "side" walls of our stove.

3) One segment must match the depth of the seat plus the height of the back of the seat. Width, respectively, the same as the width of the seat of the back. On this piece of fabrics will be located "burners" and window.

4) Another segment is the back of our covela. It can be both solo-rich and sewn from several parts.

We do not forget that the fabric will later be covered with each other and therefore measure the slightly more material on the seams.

Children's Case Cuisine for Chair
Please note that the seat for most chairs is not strictly even, most likely it is a little convex. Therefore, we need to "fit" a piece of fabric specifically under such a seat. To do this, take a segment, and we plan where the "burners" at the slab will be, in the corners, we take a few centimeters in the corners and sew them with each other. It turns out as if "cape" on the seat.

Children's Case Cuisine for Chair
Now proceed to the creation of the "burner" of the plate.

On a sheet of thick paper or cardboard, put the plate of the desired diameter and circle the edges with a pencil or felt-tip pen. After that, it is necessary to cut circles and attach them to the fabric of the appropriate color. For convenience, pin the circles to the tissue with pins. After that, carefully circle felt-tip pen. We draw your attention: draw only on the back of the tissue so as not to spoil its appearance. So, you got 4 "burners."

Children's Case Cuisine for Chair
There was a queue of "handles" for the stove.

Repeat the same process with cutting circles from the tissue of the same color as for the "burners", only a lot of smaller diameter. When they are ready, enter them with big stitches on the front side of the cover. Before it is to open the material. Then, at the "handles", attach the buttons to give greater truth. Buttons can be replaced by large black buttons, as shown in the figure below.

Children's Case Cuisine for Chair

Children's Case Cuisine for Chair
We make the door of the oven.

Take a square piece of cotton fabric white and a small piece of black, which will be a "glass window" oven. Sew these pieces with each other. They should look like shown in the picture. Do not forget to pre-stroke the parts of the iron. For a larger effect, you can bother with a cloth of any other color.

Children's Case Cuisine for Chair
After that, attach the "door" of the oven to the front side of the slab. Where the knobs are sewn into the pencil. This is done in order to outline the place where the hook, or sticky tape will fill. The oven must be opened! After that, insert the "door" of the oven to the front part of the slab at the bottom edge.

Children's Case Cuisine for Chair
We make a window.

Take a piece of fabric, which was prepared on the back of the chair. We will sew a window and make a window sill. The window should be made of a tissue fabric blue. Make a window frame from the white fabric strips, and the windowsill of a green cloth in the flower. It turned out very beautiful! From the window as if visible the blue sky!

Children's Case Cuisine for Chair
What is the window without a curtain?

From the fabric that we planned to create a curtain cut the following parts: Two identical segments for the curtains themselves and a wide strip of fabric, which will play the role of the eaves. Stop the edge of the curtains, then you need to ride the top edge on the thread and sew it to the eaves. After that, the cornice itself is sewn to the fabric above the window.

Children's Case Cuisine for Chair
To give a more believable view, you can bind to the ends of the curtains of small bows of another color fabric. You will find that the curtains are opening the window. But what about the kitchen without dishes and kitchenware? And where to store them? To do this, it is necessary on the segment of the fabric indicating the side side of the plate, sew the tissue strip with edging. Thus, you will have small pockets where you can store different little things.

Children's Case Cuisine for Chair
So, you have a few pieces of fabric, which must be collected together. Sust them as follows: The fabric with the "burners" should be sewn along with the segment on which the "window" is present, and with a segment of the fabric on the back side of the chair. It is also necessary to sew pieces that indicate the side walls and the facial side of the plate. Now it is necessary to think about how to bind together the "facial" side with the invalid. Everything is very simple! Our dress on the edges of the product edging is dark blue.

Children's Case Cuisine for Chair
In the places of the alleged connections, the suite small strips of the fabric of any color according to your choice. It turns out bows, with their help, connect together the parts of the product being manufactured.

Children's Case Cuisine for Chair
Additionally, it is possible to create from a more dense material (for example, felt) applications that indicate ready-made dishes or kitchenware. For example, you can make an applique in the form of a delicious cake and sew it into the "oven", as shown in the picture below.

Children's Case Cuisine for Chair

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