15 ways to enter an ironing board in the interior. Ingenious - just


To date, the ironing board has become an integral part of each apartment. It is not only ironing things on it, but also to store books, toys, put laptops, in general, fit the board as a full-fledged furniture. However, with the fact that the ironing board takes a lot of space, no one will argue. And if tramples on it every time before stroking things, you're tired, read our article. Here are the best options for how imperceptibly enter the board in the interior and make room in the room. We are for cleanliness and space!

1. On the wall

The place behind the door or on the wall is urgently rare, but it does not prevent the board to hang there. This option will not only save space, but will allow you to hide the ironing board so that it does not interfere with you and your home moving around the apartment.

15 ways to enter an ironing board in the interior. Ingenious - just

2. Perfect disguise

Pick up the upholstery of the ironing board under the color of curtains, walls, furniture or accessories so that it becomes an integral part of the interior.

15 ways to enter an ironing board in the interior. Ingenious - just

3. On hooks for clothes

To secure the board on the wall, use metal hooks for outerwear. They are usually used in the hallways, they are more reliable and can withstand the load. Copy on the wall two such hooks - and boldly hang an ironing board on them.

15 ways to enter an ironing board in the interior. Ingenious - just

4. On the door

If you are in a rush of emotions you can clap the door - this option is not for you. However, if the character you have calm, crook the board on the door with the same hooks. So that it does not thunder with each opening-closure, firmly lock it. Ready!

15 ways to enter an ironing board in the interior. Ingenious - just

5. In the drawer

If your board is small and in the apartment is a chest of drawers or a closet - it can be hidden into one of the drawers.

15 ways to enter an ironing board in the interior. Ingenious - just

6. For a small board

Small sizes of ironing board not only help to hide it reliably, but also save space in the room.

15 ways to enter an ironing board in the interior. Ingenious - just

7. Built-in board

Today you can buy not only the ironing board, but also the locker in which it is already carefully mounted by manufacturers. If you are going to update the furniture - pay attention to such furniture models!

15 ways to enter an ironing board in the interior. Ingenious - just

8. Vertical Retractable Box

The board in the cabinets can be located not only horizontally, but also vertically.

15 ways to enter an ironing board in the interior. Ingenious - just

9. In the kitchen headset

An unusual solution is to hide the board into the kitchen set. Excellent option for kitchen studio.

15 ways to enter an ironing board in the interior. Ingenious - just

10. Retractable drawer in the dresser

If the ironing board is small, you can hide it in a small chest.

15 ways to enter an ironing board in the interior. Ingenious - just

11. In the hinged cabinet

For an ironing board, you can make such a cute attached locker. This will make the interior not only harmonious and attractive, but also more functional.

15 ways to enter an ironing board in the interior. Ingenious - just

12. Another option

Do not forget that such a piece of furniture should look good in the interior. Therefore, before starting the manufacture of an attached locker, consider its color solution, the dimensions and the material from which it will be made.

15 ways to enter an ironing board in the interior. Ingenious - just

13. Multifunctional option

In a single mounted cabinet, you can store not only the board, but also a different trifle: household chemicals, iron, brushes for clothes or shoes.

15 ways to enter an ironing board in the interior. Ingenious - just

14. Wooden door? Locker for ironing board!

Such a mounted cabinet made of natural wood will be a real highlight of the interior.

15 ways to enter an ironing board in the interior. Ingenious - just

15. Two in one

This option helps to hide not only the ironing board, but also a socket.

15 ways to enter an ironing board in the interior. Ingenious - just

It turns out that the whole is ingenious - simply. The only thing to pay attention to when applying tips is the storage place of the ironing board should be near the outlet and be in an inaccessible place for children. If your friends are just going to make repairs - share our advice. The interior can be not only beautiful, but also practical!

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