What else is hair dryer


Fen is probably in every family. Most people use this thing only for drying wet hair, although it is not limited to this. What else is the hair dryer? Learn right now!

1. Women's pencil drawings on the walls

If a small artist grows up in your house, knitting all the walls - you should not scold him. Just warm the hair dryer and wipe the rag. There will be no trace from the drawings!

What else is hair dryer

2. Discover sticker

Sometimes it happens that the sticker does not want to spike. Do not matter - take a hairdryer and warm the sticker, after which it will easily go away.

What else is hair dryer

What else is hair dryer

3. Feed new points under your parameters

Show points? Turn on the hairdryer at full power and warm the handles of the glasses. At some point they will become absolutely soft, and you can easily adjust them.

What else is hair dryer

4. Dish nails

Do you need to quickly dry your nails? Not a problem - take a hairdryer and make simple manipulations. Your nails are dried in seconds.

What else is hair dryer

5. Remove the wax

If the wax drowned on the table, and you can't remove it, then ineffective actions with a hairdryer will help you and that.

What else is hair dryer

6. Inflatable coal

Hairdryer is perfectly coping with this task. Excellent kebabs are guaranteed.

What else is hair dryer

7. Clean the mirror in the bathroom

The mirror in the bathroom often fades and covered with spots, divorces. Do you receive a hairdryer and warm on it. Spots will disappear by themselves.

What else is hair dryer

8. Discover the plaster

Hair dryer helps to rejuvenate a sticky plaster. It is worth a little a little warm air and the plaster will be painless.

What else is hair dryer

9. Complete the culinary masterpiece

If your cake is ready, you were covered with icing, but it does not lie down exactly - urgently take hair dryer. It is worth only to warm it with hot air, she will straighten. And if then turn on the cold air - the glaze will become smooth like a glass.

What else is hair dryer

10. Support the heat of the compress

If you put a warm compress, then the hair dryer will not let him cool.

What else is hair dryer

11. Get a burnt pie

If the cake has burned, warm the bottom of the shape with a hairdryer, and then easily get baking.

What else is hair dryer

12. Dindle socks

Socks are dried in a very short time - you will not even have time to read the head of your favorite book!

What else is hair dryer

13. Heat bed before bed

Especially relevant in winter. It is enough a few minutes to hold the hairdryer above the sheet, and the warm bed is ready.

What else is hair dryer

14. Training creative abilities

Hairdryer will help you feel yourself in the role of star show business. It is enough to become with him in front of the mirror and voila - the world meets a new idol!

What else is hair dryer

15. Draw a picture

To draw such a masterpiece will need wax chalk, easel and hairdryer. Secure the shallow on the easel and warm them with a hairdryer. The effect of rainbow is obtained!

What else is hair dryer

16. Take the nerves cat

If your cat has strong nerves - in front of the hairdryer, he will not definitely stand.

What else is hair dryer

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