Nitcographic - unusual painting technique


Nitcographic - nonwoven tapestry

Do you figure out how to decorate the empty space on the wall? You love cats? Did you accumulate a lot of threads or their residues? Then boldly take for the manufacture of paintings in the technique called Nitcography. Your attention is an entertaining master class from Elleplatz.

For the manufacture, as you already understood, we need threads, as well as a dense cardboard or fiberboard of the desired size, a pencil, a stationery knife and scissors, glue and toothpicks.

On our canvas draw a cat and various details of the background. We define what colors we will perform certain elements (for convenience, you can specify colors in order not to get confused and not forget).

Pictures with cats, nitcographography, cat in technique Nitkography, nitkography master class

We repeat the contours of the pattern. In this technique, it is not necessary to immediately miss all the plots, everything is done gradually.

Pictures with cats, nitcographography, cat in technique Nitkography, nitkography master class

On the glue lay out threads. "Draw" our cat and patterns. Where color ends, just cut the thread with scissors.

Pictures with cats, nitcographography, cat in technique Nitkography, nitkography master class

Fill everything gradually and very carefully, if necessary, press and make a thread to the thread toothpick.

Pictures with cats, nitcographography, cat in technique Nitkography, nitkography master class

It is best to lay out the contours first, and then fill in the inner space of the pattern. But here the case of everyone decide how it is more convenient.

Pictures with cats, nitcographography, cat in technique Nitkography, nitkography master class

Particularly small details can be cut immediately, and then incur in their place.

Pictures with cats, nitcographography, cat in technique Nitkography, nitkography master class

Pictures with cats, nitcographography, cat in technique Nitkography, nitkography master class

Crop the surplus and fill the thread tips in the common canvas can be using a stationery knife.

Pictures with cats, nitcographography, cat in technique Nitkography, nitkography master class

Another nuance: more rational to move as if from the center to the edges. The protruding ends of the threads are cut after.

Pictures with cats, nitcographography, cat in technique Nitkography, nitkography master class

In order for the threads to get closer to each other, more stronger, at the end of the work, reveal the panel through the matter layer. It is not recommended to do this before the glue dries so that under the influence of steam and the temperature did not go the reaction and especially toxic substances were not separated.

A source

Pictures with cats, nitcographography, cat in technique Nitkography, nitkography master class

Pictures with cats, nitcographography, cat in technique Nitkography, nitkography master class

Pictures with cats, nitcographography, cat in technique Nitkography, nitkography master class

Pictures with cats, nitcographography, cat in technique Nitkography, nitkography master class

Pictures with cats, nitcographography, cat in technique Nitkography, nitkography master class

Pictures with cats, nitcographography, cat in technique Nitkography, nitkography master class

Pictures with cats, nitcographography, cat in technique Nitkography, nitkography master class

Crafts from threads, nitkography

Crafts from thread - This is a great way to draw a picture, if the paints and brushes did not submit you.

Crafts from threads, nitkography

Crafts from threads, nitkography

Crafts from threads, nitkography

Crafts from threads, nitkography

Crafts from threads, nitkography

Crafts from threads, nitkography

Crafts from threads, nitkography

Crafts from threads, nitkography

Crafts from threads, nitkography

Crafts from threads, nitkography

Crafts from threads, nitkography

Crafts from threads, nitkography

Crafts from threads, nitkography

Crafts from threads, nitkography

Crafts from threads, nitkography

Crafts from threads, nitkography

Crafts from threads, nitkography

Crafts from threads, nitkography

Crafts from threads, nitkography

Crafts from threads, nitkography

Crafts from threads, nitkography

Crafts from threads, nitkography

Crafts from threads, nitkography

Crafts from threads, nitkography

Crafts from threads, nitkography

Crafts from threads, nitkography

Crafts from threads, nitkography

Crafts from threads, nitkography

Crafts from threads, nitkography

Crafts from threads, nitkography

Crafts from threads, nitkography

Crafts from threads, nitkography

Crafts from threads, nitkography

Crafts from threads, nitkography

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