We make a simple chessboard


We make a simple chessboard

We make a simple chessboard - Excellent master class, for everyone who loves to play chess and wants to make a playing board, also a wonderful gift box. If you look at the chessboard looks like a tray, so if you do not like to play chess, you can become the owner of an interesting and stylish tray.

Materials and tools:

  1. Board of laminated pine 305x380mm;
  2. Wide molar tape;
  3. stationery knife;
  4. steel line;
  5. pencil;
  6. Woodoc gel (color to your choice);
  7. lime wax;
  8. sandpaper;
  9. Gloves.

Step 1

  • We make a simple chessboard - Step 1
  • We make a simple chessboard - Step 1.1
  • We make a simple chessboard - Step 1.2
  • We make a simple chessboard - Step 1.3
  • We make a simple chessboard - Step 1.4
  • We make a simple chessboard - Step 1.5
  • We make a simple chessboard - Step 1.6
  • We make a simple chessboard - Step 1.7

First, take the board and carefully sanding shallow emery paper. Wide painting scotch and gliding the surface of the board, the bands with glue clemteps, a naughty, approximately 4-5 mm.

With the help of a pencil and ruler, draw markup on the board. Marking and its dimensions are shown in the figure. Then make a frame, approximately 5 mm.

Fix "x" squares (also see Fig.), WHAT CUT. Using the steel line and the stationery knife, remove the extra rapid tape and squares marked "x".

Step 2.

  • We make a simple chessboard - step 2
  • We make a simple chessboard - step 2.1
  • We make a simple chessboard - step 2.2

We will proceed to paint squares without scotch. Before painting, we will make sure that the tape is tightly adjacent everywhere. Now we have gloves and, using the fabric, we appline Woodoc gel.

After applying the gel, we are waiting for 10 minutes and remove the remaining tape. As protection, cover the chessboard with lime wax. At the end, kpripim handles. Chess board Ready.

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