Bar rack in the interior, pros and cons


The times when the bar rack was an attribute of exclusively peeling establishments, a long time was rushed into the past. Now this fashionable object of the situation can be found in completely ordinary homes and apartments, where it performs both a purely decorative and very practical function. However, is it convenient for the bar counter in a residential interior, and in what cases it is better to do without it? We will try to figure out all aspects of the use of the bar counter in the design of the kitchens and living rooms.

Bar stand photo

Lube Industries S.R.L.

Bar rack has become a full part of the residential interior relatively recently. Its initial appointment was far from home comfort, as it was designed to separate visitors to cafes and bars from the area where the preparation of beverages was made, as well as secure the bartender from possible scuffs and trouble.

Bar rack in the interior

Cadore Arredamenti.

The home bar counter is an elongated tabletop without a support, to which a certain type of chairs are pressed, as a rule, high enough. The configuration of such a bar rack can be completely different: it can be attached to the wall or be a continuation of the usual kitchen countertops, as well as to be an independent design. The height of the usual bar rack is usually 1.1-1.2 m, while it can accommodate no more than 4 people.

Council : To turn the loggia to the place of sites and receiving guests, the bar rack along the window can be equipped exactly there. The convenience of such a solution is that the bar with a pair of high stools will be placed even on a very narrow space.

Stylish bar counter

Lube Industries S.R.L.

Do not think that the bar counter in a residential interior is used exclusively during parties or gatherings behind a glass of wine. In English, the design in the living room or kitchen, which we used to call the bar, and is called - "Corner for breakfast". It is intended for small snacks and breakfasts when there is no need to cover a full-fledged dining table. Thus, the bar counter in a residential interior serves, rather, for fast meals than to drink beverages and in the perfect version is an addition to a large dining table.

In what cases is it worth installing a bar rack?

Interior designers recommend using bar racks in two completely opposite cases: in very large and, on the contrary, very modest in size. The first option that we have already mentioned implies that there is a place for a full dining table in the kitchen or dining room, and a small bar counter is used for snacks and morning coffee.

Dinner table

Dining table and bar stand on spacious kitchen in classic style, Callemella Arredamenti

In the spacious kitchen area, the bar counter can be equipped as part of the kitchen island, as one of the sides of the island, the hostess will still not use for cooking. It is usually distinguished by a barn rack that, if necessary, is higher, and attaching a couple of barn chairs.

Bar rack in the kitchen

On tiny areas of the kitchen (less than 10m2), a bar stand can replace the dining table. It may not be so convenient to use it, however, if the area of ​​the room is really small, a narrow wall-born bar can become a present output from the position. This design, of course, is not very convenient, however, it allows you to maintain at least a bit of free space on a small kitchen.

Bar rack on small kitchen

Bar rack on small kitchen

Council : Bar rack in a small room can be a specially advanced windowsill. This option will allow to save space and will enable the view from the window while eating.

Bar rack for zoning space

Increasingly, the bar counter is used to zoning the premises, mainly when it comes to studio apartments or kitchen-living equipment. The high design serves as an excellent visual and functional separator, distinguishing space and cooking spaces.

Bar rack in the kitchen-living room

Bar rack in the kitchen-living room, photo Alvhem

When it comes to zoning, most often we are talking about the P-and M-shaped kitchen layout, in which the bar is perpendicular to the tabletop and is its peculiar continuation. One side of such a design can be used for cooking, and the other to serve as a table.

P-shaped kitchen

P-shaped kitchen with bar counter, ASTER CUCINE

When you do not install a bar rack?

On a close kitchen with a bar counter, most likely will not turn around. That is why if the total area of ​​the kitchen is less than 10m2, trying to fit on it and the table and at least a small bar counter are categorically not recommended. You will have to choose something one and if the layout of the room allows you to better stop your choice on the folding dining table.

Memo : Bar racks instead of the dining table - a common solution for a young family or a bachelor's apartment, however, for a large family with children is unlikely to suit.

Tiny apartment

Tiny Studio Apartment with Bar Stand Instead of Dining Table, Design MARC Baillargeon and Julie Nabuet

Bar rack - a comfortable and stylish addition to the interior, however, if the area of ​​your home is not great enough, in order to place it without any problems, and the dining group is good to think about whether you need a bar counter without any problems? This design can help substantially save free space and is perfect for zoning the interior, however, it is not always convenient for full meal, especially if there are children in the family.

Lube Industries.

Lube Industries S.R.L.

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