Antique Amphora do it yourself


I present to your attention the delightful work that a silicary love has made. I admire our craftsmen, almost from nothing masterpiece!

The words of the author quoting completely.

I admired, I admired the amphoras in the internet, and decided: I'll do it myself, think! There are stuff things. For example, fireplaces. So why not be amphore a deception? No sooner said than done! Height 67 cm, diameter 30 cm. Well, you already know me! Make easily. Let's try together?

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2. So, inflate the air ball. Tie it with a long thread. We find a segment of a plastic tube (stayed after repair). Ball just insert into the tube. The end of the thread must hang from the pipe. This is to then, punctural ball, you can pull it from the inside. It holds himself vertically.

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3. Mix the gypsum bandage by pieces. Nearby we will put a cup with a water sewing, so that it is convenient to mock the slices of bandage. The water of the room temperature, in no case is not warm. Otherwise, the bandage very quickly risks and loses the form, which makes it difficult.

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4. For convenience, insert the tube into a three-liter jar, tightly fasten the towel so that it does not rush. Immediately launch the location of the ball with a tube.

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5. Another 5-10 minutes (the gypsum quickly freezes) continue to rip the ball, scrolling the jar along the axis.

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6. Having finished clinging the ball, we put a saucer on top (which is not a pity, for it will remain there), and we rush it, connecting with the ball.

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7. Pretend the length of the neck. Excessive length scolding, by sight, softener. At this stage, a long wire, or a sharp stick to pierce the ball over the neck of the amphora, and carefully pull out for the thread.

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8. From a durable steel wire, grind the handle, and shook it with a plaster bandage, we attach it to the same bandage that has already frightened the vessel. In the same way we cut the phone. We form the neck. I made thickening along the edge by imposing a bandage folded roll.

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9. Dry finishing putty weaving with water to the state of liquid sour cream. We apply to the entire surface of the vessel. After drying, the emery paper number 180. And so three times.

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10. Here is the finished amphora. The next stage is the processing of acrylic primer (construction). I was twice twice.

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11. Simple pencil caused a pattern. The pattern adopted indeed with a real antique vase. But made their fantasies. That is, it turned out a free copy. Further, on the finished drawing, there was a putty from the tube. This process took me for two days, as the vase is big, and I, painting, twisted it on his knees. Therefore, it was necessary that the previously applied pattern is good. At the end of the bulk painting, once again passed the primer.

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12. Painted by building paints a metal. Immediately the bronze colors aged, and then bronze bougar. In stores there are different shades of bronze.

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13. Here again wrote your logo.

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14. Gorlashko closer.

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15. The handle also with the pattern.

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16. It made a label when I endured AMFOR to the exhibition dedicated to the Day of the city of Bogodukhov. I am sure that everyone who wants to make such a thing. Looks like a real bronze. Immediately do not distinguish, even a ribbed. I would like my master class to be useful. If someone does, show. I will be glad.

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