Paper dolls


Braided dolls from Renata Z.

Dolls probably have every one of us in childhood, remember these? Only they were some flat were drawn, but the outfits could be changed at least all day.

Dolls-21 (700x212, 204KB)

Cut the neatly new dress, throw his paper princess on the shoulders and everything, you can be proud and rejoice. And it is possible, it turns out, dolls are different, although everything is from the same paper, but in volume and color.

Renata does it. And everything shows.

Sam_3920 (525x700, 439Kb)
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Sam_3847 (525x700, 417kb)
Sam_3851 (700x525, 407Kb)
Sam_3952 (525x700, 385Kb)
Sam_4016 (700x525, 282Kb)

Want to repeat? Then watch a step-by-step lesson and break your head. I already broke myself and realized that I still do not try myself, a lot of incomprehension. One hope that hands themselves will contemplate how to weave

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10517959_1450780731841613_1121563953982199628_n (700x525, 316Kb)

Head is ready

10444564_1450780721841614_1838780256673963744_n (700x525, 297Kb)

We begin to weave the body

10426697_1450780811841605_8896366719690250456_n (700x525, 256kb)

10446593_1450780838508269_8546278615576706977_n (700x525, 236kb)
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Now dress

10462726_1450780951841591_4467311199752623768_n (525x700, 299kb)

10361377_1450781005174919_5861055112780243914_n (525x700, 297kb)

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How to make hands

10373493_1450781368508216_4848563014753487775_n (700x525, 287Kb)

We need three tubes from which we will weave braid

10514540_1450781385174881_5736463087129540793_n (700x525, 256kb)

10464204_1450781408508212_3136965661251351348_n (525x700, 296kb)
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10448759_1450781481841538_3152735004981733247_n (700x525, 311kb)
1623747_1450781515174868_3220365700098609944_n (700x525, 241kb)
10418471_1450781535174866_175650216010425280_n (700x525, 252Kb)
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10511142_1450781788508174_2798741797261482123_n (525x700, 296kb)

Decorating the dress with the help of threads and glue PVA

10320604_1450781858508167_1973594236122842526_n (525x700, 253kb)

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And doll ready to paint

10360830_1450781948508158_3368042929772313444_n (525x700, 301Kb)

A source

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