Age of your creativity, or as far as your experienced master


I'll start the article with a little revelation. Before exploring his husband, I was a very fellow person. I have always sought to live in such a way that if I get a look at the past, I will not regret it who has naked or, on the contrary, made.

My girlfriend somehow asked me that if you fell in love now more and stronger, then in the past it was not love?! In the past, I believed that it was love, but later that the current feeling was stronger than something. But I did not want to betray my first feeling at all. "Maybe it was weaker because of the age or because of some circumstances?" - I thought. As a result, I answered: "Just every love has its own time and your age. A person can not love the same in 5 years in kindergarten and at 20 years old at the institute, these feelings are different, but also the other love, they simply changed due to age. "

So what I wanted to talk today. About the age of our creativity. But this age we will measure without years, but by attitudes towards it and our personal feelings.

In contrast to the present age, in creativity you can choose the one that you like and stay in it forever, someone does, and you can "grow" further, each chooses your way.

And we compare the age of needlework with these periods in the life of every person, namely childhood, youth, maturity, etc. This does not mean that the time interval is equal, I just compare the state of the soul and body. It does not mean that everyone passes through all these stages, everyone has their own way, someone becomes immediately famous, famous and talented, jumping up some periods, and someone comes at the beginning to all rake and stops at every while .

In the article I use the word "needlewoman", as I do not know how to call a person who is still at the beginning of the creative path if he is a man. Male masters, do not be offended, I love your work very much, and I am always interested in watching them.

The article is comic, the poet does not feel very serious. It will not be smart conclusions, it's rather a lyrics. Well, do not judge strictly "small eaves", because many once themselves were so, Moscow was not immediately built, and you did not know from birth to walk.

Infancy - This is the age of a child from birth and up to the year.

Age of creativity

The child is just learning simple skills, how to control their hands and legs, turn your head. Trying to sit down, and some even walk.

Cherry Mir

Well, after the asterisks here and then there will be an analogy of this age in needlework.

Future needlewoman saw for the first time some kind of needlework. She really wants to master it, but she doesn't even represent where to start. And by analogy with the child, as he first looks at adults passing by, she also wants: to try, know, do. She, as a child who tries to understand what to do to walk, but can not even get up.

Early childhood - from year to 3 years.

Age of your creativity, or as far as your experienced master

The child studies the main skills: to go, speak, he is trying to eat.

It becomes more active.

Future needlewoman begins to use those materials that is at hand, trying to find a replacement for professional materials. And then trying to create from this that I saw from the masters, often these attempts to make a copy.

When everything that was at hand was already tricious, and it comes to an understanding that without a certain tool it will not work or turn out at all, then she is looking for tools and materials in specialized stores or at the exhibition. True, at the beginning, the estimate of everything that gets at hand, and then at home, trying to find on the Internet, how can all this now use and make your masterpiece.

Preschool age - from 3 to 6-7 years

At this age I took a piece of fabric, threads and needle. For a long time picked up, in the end, she sewed itself the most beautiful in the world, as it seemed to me then, slippers-ballet shoes. Just in the evening, my mother upset me because they somehow need to be removed from the legs, on which I sewed them, because it is time to go to sleep.

Age of your creativity, or as far as your experienced master

Finally, roughly understanding what kind of tool is needed, what threads where to buy, the needlewoman start to try to do something herself. Ultimately, we have a noncainted flower (sweatshirt, toy - needed to substitute), but it seems to her that this thing is the most wonderful and brilliant in the world, because she did her herself.

Age of your creativity, or as far as your experienced master

Age of your creativity, or as far as your experienced master

Junior school age - from 6 to 11 years

Age of your creativity, or as far as your experienced master

The child is studying at school to write and count, as well as other major knowledge. Much communicates with peers.

After several attempts to do something alone, the needlewoman understands what to learn from a more experienced master or masters, and goes to the master class. There she will learn a lot of new things, and also meets the same as she - to learn very wishing.

The master class gives her knowledge of the phased process of creating a high-quality thing and the ability to make this thing independently.

After the master class or even a few, it starts everything as if re-on.

Teenage years - from 11 to 16 years

Age of your creativity, or as far as your experienced master

Children become more independent and distinguished from their parents. In fact, they still need a smaller, but parental care, although the teenager is never recognized in this.

Children begin to be interested in the opposite sex and feel a feeling of love.

Age of your creativity, or as far as your experienced master

The needlewoman begins to selflessly sew (knit, draw), paying for this as much of its free time, and sometimes neglecting sleep.

She forms some common style in the works. Often this style is what you like most, for example, in toys, it is: Bear-kids with big heads and eyes, bears with long eyelashes. This style can still be described as very, very, very nice, if you say Slang - "Mimicious" (I do not like foreign words, but this word is very fashionable now, and his most will understand, I want to clarify what I mean here I do not just Cute, and very, very, very). This style is very well for sale and lies on the surface, you do not need to deep look for some kind of images and dig in thoughts to find it.

P.S. Here I want to clarify my attitude to such a style, so that it does not have the impression that I do not like it. I am very respectful about any creativity when a person tries to do something and invests his time and strength. This style takes place to be, I used to really like it too, although I didn't see it almost in him and did not sew, why I don't know. But it usually arises precisely somewhere in the middle of the way, then more often by changing more complex images.

Age of your creativity, or as far as your experienced master

Although in this direction it happens its plus. Often, masters do not leave very deeply into the image of a very cute character and it turns out naive needlework. But here there is a subtle face which it is often difficult for beginners to feel.

The needlewoman seems to fall in love with himself creative and his new works, she likes everything that she does now, and past works seem not so. Sometimes it is reinforced by another praise from acquaintances or even sales of their works.

At this stage, she has thoughts that you can sell your work and at least earn money, and perhaps to further earn a living. The latter sometimes comes in the form of a very distant dream, and sometimes with a small, but faith in such a future. As a result, the needlewoman begins to look for sites and sales options for their work.

Youth period - from 16 to 21 years

Age of your creativity, or as far as your experienced master

By 21, a person forms general physical and sexual maturation.

It usually is determined by this time with a profession or at least a direction. In most cases, youth age is the age of teaching the skills of this profession at the institute or college.

During this period, the needlewoman begins to learn. She finds a site. Registered and tries to understand how to place your work. It turns out so much information about the work, sales, creating photos, some ideas how to make different things to do different things that at first it is like a hypnotized can not take away and reads, reads. And here so much works, completely different!

How many things have to learn everything, usually it starts taking pictures on the background of the apartment's work, then against the background of some white, not quite sorting, more precisely, non-ironing, rags. And then, trying to do it against the background of sheets of paper, buys a lite box and learns not only to photograph, but in the future work with this photo.

She also learn what to write about work, how to communicate with the client. And sometimes even decides to participate in the first exhibition in his life.

In the interruptions between all this training, it continues to create and create, day and night, at work and at home, in transport and walking ...

Age of your creativity, or as far as your experienced master

Mature age (1 period) - from 21 to 35 years

Age of your creativity, or as far as your experienced master

At this age, a person is usually finding his soul mate. Marries or get married. Gives a child or a baby is born. Works in the office and not in the office, trying to climb the career ladder.

The electronic store is open. The craftswoman is trying to convert it for the better every day, not always everything turns out. In parallel, the master is looking for new sales opportunities: make your website, exhibit work in social. networks, etc.

Also trying to understand what price it has the right to deliver. Sometimes on this period, prices are reduced, as the realization of the quality and the level of their works, which are already compared with others.

It happens that the master is trying to dumping, however, usually does not lead to anything good.

Participates in fairs and exhibitions, not always successfully, because it does not know where and with what is better to participate. But gradually an understanding comes - how to show your work in good light, and where is its customers.

And, of course, work, they become more harmonious with the master, it is not yet complete harmony, rather only the beginning of it. But the result is visible to so much that there is no doubt that this is a master with experience, and not newcomer.

Sometimes the master finds himself not only in creating things himself, but also begins to teach and teach "children" how to do to achieve her level.

Mature age (2 periods) - from 35 to 60 years

Age of your creativity, or as far as your experienced master

Here everyone comes their achievements in life, so I will not describe something. It seems to me that this is the age of harmony.

When the number of read information rolls a certain number (each it has its own), then an understanding appears as needed. As a result, a very good store is created. Or, if it does not work at all, then the needlewoman appeals to people who can do it well for money, as she can already afford it.

The level of skill grows and grows. Works are becoming more complex and interesting. At first glance, it is not even always clear from what and how they are made. Often choose one or two main directions under which photos are made in a certain style. Customers who like this style like.

The store and his work becomes very harmonious.

Elderly age - 55 years old

Age of your creativity, or as far as your experienced master

The craftswoman becomes not only the master of his case, in which everyone is already confident. But she also has a chic store, knows how to communicate with customers. Her name knows many, no one doubts, this is already a kind of brand. She like a sage-if she praises, then everyone rejoice that herself praised himself, if scolding, then everyone says - listen, it's a very experienced master, then you have deserved criticism, listen, it is a great honor that she criticizes you.

Logic, the next stage in the life of a person is death, but there is no death in the work. After all, it lives forever. The master conveys his skills to students. And, of course, the works that will forever remain in life and in the memory of those who acquired them and who created them, for a long time they will remember what a brilliant person was. But in the picture (doll and whether the jacket) it is not clear what kind of difficult path this person passed, and how it was not easy to create just such a thing.

And now the works of this master are inspired by new "children" to once become more and smarter ...

Age of your creativity, or as far as your experienced master

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