We sew a school uniform for a boy. Part 1


We sew a school uniform for a boy. Part 1

On the courtyard July month and all moms of future first-graders have drove with the purchase of school uniforms. Since I enter the guild of such moms, also droven with this question. I read a lot of articles about what kind of form should be the fabric. I learned the dress in our future school and began to look for ready-made costumes. To my regret, I did not find a good form of form in the budget line. 100% polyester can be bought for 3000-500 rubles. School shape, but in the composition with 35% of the wool suit (jacket + pants) cost from 6500 rubles. Falling an old magazine Burda, I found a good dress costume for a boy.


I took the parchment paper for baking and moved the pattern of growth of 128 with a sheet of magazine grid. I decided to double-check the fusion consumption by making a layout on the existing fabric.

the form

On the jacket and trousers will need to buy 1.5 m with a width of the fabric 150 cm.

Next, made layout for lining. In the pants, the lining is only needed for pocket and in the front of the trouser at 2/3 of length. The jacket is all on the sublades, the exception is part of the side. I removed the back of the trousers, the weld of the stripes, the collar. It turned out an approximate consumption of 1.05 m.


In general, since I have two first-graders in this school year, I multiplied the entire flow consumption for 2 and "sat down" on the phone, began to ring all wholesale fabric stores on the presence of fabric for a school suit in the desired composition and color. Of course, not 35% wool, but all 90% of wool with 10% polyestera in the composition of the fabric. Without thinking for a long time, I made a list of all necessary, gathered and went for the purchase.


I liked the cloth, a beautiful saturated blue color, a good density. I took 5 meters, because the wholesale price for 100 rubles per meter is less, and wholesale, as you understand, from 5 m * 700 rubles = 3500 rubles. If the fabric remains - the vest will go. But the lining in the color did not find, I wanted to take a 100% viscose, but I was offered a staple in black color, I agreed. Since the staple canvas gives a decent shrinkage after a wet-thermal processing, I took more scheduled earlier, it turned out 2.5 m.; 2.5 m * 350rub = 875 rubles.

I also bought accessories in the amount of 1025 rubles:


The total amount turned out 5400 rubles (notice, it will be 2 suit!).

Fabrics, I washed in a washing machine at a temperature of 30 degrees in the program "Daily wash", turning off the spinning mode. It is better to iron a wet fabric.

Of course, I took out the measurements from my sons and corrected the length of the lecturers under the necessary me, namely, reduced the length of the trousers and added the length of the sleeve. Made a layout, broke down on the edge of chalk and added inserts to the seams: bottom-1,5 cm; in the shoulder seam - 2 cm; In the armor, OKAT sleeves, collar - 1 cm. It turned out this:


Once again I check all the lengths and expect. Since this fabric is the same in appearance both from the face, and from the inside, then all the filled items I mark the sewing chalk, from two sides in the form of a cross. By this, I celebrate the wrong side of every detail. Next, I expect Flizelin. I decided to put Flizelin on the shelf completely for the whole item, and not as previously done, only in place under pocket. And also to put Fliselin in the weld, leaflets of pockets, the upper part of the collar, the slot of the backrest of the jacket and the "Slot" of the sleeve under the button, the belt of the trousers.

We sew a school uniform for a boy. Part 1

I expect and squeeze all the previously described details. Fliselin will fix on the side marked with a cross. Please note the pair parts must lie on the ironing board in the mirror reflection from each other.

We sew a school uniform for a boy. Part 1

Crow lining is not in thete levels, but already on the cuttings of the main fabric. The lining is needed for: shelf minus the weld; backs; sleeves; Pockets and front of the trouser on 2/3 lengths.

We sew a school uniform for a boy. Part 1

I carry the shelf on the cut from the main fabric first all, then we remove the shelf and impose a weld, I carry the inner edge of the weld with chalk. I remove and add 2 cm on the seam.

We sew a school uniform for a boy. Part 1

The shelves transferred to the fliserial shelves with ate the position of the position of the pockets and the lamp (side with the phlizelin), as well as on the contour of the allowance.

We sew a school uniform for a boy. Part 1

First, on the right shelf, then I immediately impose on the left, alignment did and pat on the whole surface. So I evenly transferred all the necessary contours and on the left shelf. The markup of the upper pocket is left only on the left shelf, I closure chalk on the right.

We sew a school uniform for a boy. Part 1

I prepare the leaflets for pockets. Plugged in advance details folding in half, fliseline inside and through a wet fabric fixing the position with an iron.

We sew a school uniform for a boy. Part 1

Well, it came to the sewing machine, then without it. Folding the shelves I'm smoking by English pins and stitching on the left. If you do not have tailoring skills, it is better to mix all the cuttings and details before laying the line on the sewing machine.

We sew a school uniform for a boy. Part 1

Manicure scissors cutting down the center, do not reach the upper edge of the damp by about 3-4 cm.

We sew a school uniform for a boy. Part 1

A needle with a thread I carry the position of the pocket on the front side. I do it immediately for all pockets.

We sew a school uniform for a boy. Part 1

From the face of the shelf, the position of the pocket will look like this:

We sew a school uniform for a boy. Part 1

I am smoothed iron an outlet through a wet fabric. The width of the leaflet in the finished form should be 2 cm, I mark 2 cm on the leaflet, I draw a flat line on the line on both sides. Also pay attention, the leaf must be longer the pocket mark of about 6 cm (3 cm on each side).

We sew a school uniform for a boy. Part 1

I combine the drawn line on the leaflet with a wise pocket.

We sew a school uniform for a boy. Part 1

I fix the English pins and lay down the naming from the beginning and until the end of the edge of the future pocket, that is, on a fixed line of hints with white thread. I make scores around the edges.

We sew a school uniform for a boy. Part 1

On top of the leaflet laying down the bottom of the pocket lining. The width of the lower part of the pocket lining is equal to the length of the leaflet, and the length is 10-15 cm (it depends on what depth you will want to make a pocket). I'm smoking english pins in the edge.

We sew a school uniform for a boy. Part 1

I turn over the shelf and from the wrong side, according to the already existing line, laying the second seam in the seam.

We sew a school uniform for a boy. Part 1

Buru top of the lining (it should be longer than the bottom of 3 cm) and a piece of the main fabric that I conclude into the edge of the lining. It is necessary to disguise the entrance to the pocket.

We sew a school uniform for a boy. Part 1

I dock a piece of basic fabric into the edge of the lining, pumped the open cut and laying the line.

We sew a school uniform for a boy. Part 1

I put the finished part of the lining on a swaying part of the future karma on a well, I'm smoking and sit down just like a leaflet - a seam with lines at the edges. The width between the lines should be strictly 2 cm.

We sew a school uniform for a boy. Part 1

I cut the entrance to your pocket, it must be done correctly, I drew a chalk lines of the cut.

We sew a school uniform for a boy. Part 1

Gently cutting the corner, the sewing seam should not be cut, but it is necessary to prevent the corner to the edge of the seam, leaving 1 mm.

We sew a school uniform for a boy. Part 1

Turn out inside out all the sewn items. Top part of the pocket frame (seam) turn up, and the upper part of the lining down, lay the leaf forming a smooth edge from all sides.

We sew a school uniform for a boy. Part 1

I fix the leaflet of the English pin, now it is necessary to firm the side pieces of the leaflet, capturing the outbreaks.

We turn out the edge of the shelf, we spread the lining (the upper part of the lining at the bottom) and lay the line lock the corner and making the lines.

We sew a school uniform for a boy. Part 1

We sew a school uniform for a boy. Part 1

I mix the pocket lining, connecting the upper and lower parts and laying the line. In this case, the shelf is bent, see the photo below.

We sew a school uniform for a boy. Part 1

I delete a warmer, stroke the finished pocket from two sides through a wet fabric.

View of the pocket with the front side:

We sew a school uniform for a boy. Part 1

From the wrong side:

We sew a school uniform for a boy. Part 1

Entrance to your pocket:

We sew a school uniform for a boy. Part 1

In this way, I made two lower pockets on the shelves and one upper pocket.

Appearance Pockets of the left shelf:

We sew a school uniform for a boy. Part 1

I hope I'm not tired! Continuation in the next master class.

Author MK - Natalia.

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