New covers for furniture do it yourself


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Many meters of beautiful fabric, accurate measurements - and here is your old or new, but too, brand furniture acquires a completely different look.

For furniture covers in this room, we have chosen cotton farm with floral pattern - this fabric is quite dense and not very brand. In addition, pink flowers immediately bring the sensation of spring to the interior.


Sewing several covers from the same fabric immediately - they will give the design of the room a completeness and help to arrange it in a single style.

Case tablecloth for coffee table

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Most often, the coffee tables use not only for folding magazines of books, but also to comfortably drink a cup of coffee or tea.

To make a pattern for the table, we measured the surface of the table top, for all edges, added 1 cm of the allowance, then measured the height of the Fald. Made a paper pattern, including side sides (Fald). At the corners, Fald also added 1 cm of points on the seams, and on the bottom of the niza - 3 cm. At first, the side sides (Foldda) were raised, the allowances were dried twice, then twice beaten to the wrong The falds were detained to the top of the cover, on the corners they did the wigglers or cut the allowances close to the line, the allowances were intimidated and squeezed down.

Cut the cloth ironing board

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It is not at all difficult. Carefully turn the ironing board with legs up and put on the cloth as a pattern. Having cut a new crawling with a 5 cm allowance for all sections. From the invalid side, the volumenflysis is maintained (to carve it without space). Slices have been offended at the wrong one on the width of 1 cm, then 1.5 cm. Sniffing the scene, stretch into it a thin cord. A new cover to pull on the old and tie the ends of the cord, taking the edge of the cover.

Case for sofa

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The creamy white sofa looks elegant, but it is very impractical, since after a short time, spots and dirt will appear on it. And the rectangular forms of its parts allow you to easily make the pattern and sew the case on it.

Pattern and cutting

To build patterns, it is best to use packaging paper or a millimeter. According to the lines on our scheme, measure the details of the sofa, and then transfer these measurements to the template of each individual part.

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Detail A - Measure from the bottom point through the seat and back, then through the top and back of the back to the lower point. You must have 1 item.

Detail B - armrests measure only from the bottom point to the upper bend. You should have 4 identical details.

Detail C - side parts of armrests vary from the lowest edge outside to the seat inside.

Detail D- side of the back: 2 parts.

ATTENTION : Do not forget to enable the width value in all measurements.

IMPORTANT: Add 1.5 cm to all the standards on all sections on the free felting of the cover!

On paper patterns, mark the feeding lines, as well as inserts on the seams on all sections of 1-1.5 cm. Add 3 cm on the bottom of the bottom.

Check the accuracy of your paper cuttings by attaching them to the sofa.

If you are not confident in yourself, we are taking a test case from the old sheet.


First, take face to face lateral parts B, Cy D. Then damage it the part A, start the seam from the bottom edge of the back side of the back. Introduce the allowance zigzag. Fink is subjected to 1 cm over the width, then 2 cm, affect and detect. Case reveal.

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