We transform shoes with acrylic dyes


Transform shoes with acrylic dyes | Fair Masters - Handmade, Handmade

Often shoes purchased last season ceases to delight your owner, you want something new, fresh, interesting, topical.

What to do if there is no money for a new purchase, and you can still wear old shoes?

If there are ideas that you want to bring to life, the browning of the skin or its painting will extend the life of your shoes (bags, jackets) and takes you a lot of positive emotions. Both from the process itself and from the admired views of passersby and friends. And if there are no ideas yet, the Internet will prompt the mass of possible options.

If you decide to transform your shoes, then it's small. Get paint and for business.

I will share with you my experience in the field of leather products surface (acrylic) dye.

I'll start with the preparation for staining

Before applying paints, I treat the surface with a synthetic cleaner, as the skin should be dry, pure from dust, dirt, fats, oils, water divorces, and salt spots. In the event that the skin has already been painted and it is colored again, it is necessary to remove the previous paintwork. After drying, it sinks the surface.

Synthetic cleaners, shoe painting, shoes

To ensure uniform scratching of the skin paint, the painted product is pre-processing the ground for the skin. Grunt for the skin increases agsexyia (that is, it improves the grip) to the skin (thanks to which the durability increases), without causing skin solidification. Reduces the amount of application of subsequent layers of finishing paints.

First, we scroll soil, nano (with a sponge or tassel) soil on the surface being processed. Waiting for skin drying (approximately 15 minutes).

Skin Soil, Cecking Shoes, Bags

Further coloring itself

Before the color paint with a filter through a filter with a cell size of 50-100 μm. By mixing 5 main (basic colors) I get any color and shade.

Skin paint, painting on the skin

sponge or airbrush

After stirring the dye using a brush until a homogeneous shade is obtained. Introduce a small amount of paint on the sponge and evenly distribute a thin layer over the entire surface. I give dry (approximately 2 hours). Introduce another or two thin layers using a sponge or aerogrof (the color is carried out at a pressure of 2.5-4.0 bar) to achieve the desired result. Waiting for a complete drying of the treated surface (approximately 12 hours).

Apperatur, painting jackets

And finally the finish finish!

Appretore is a protective coating for products painted with acrylic or alcohol-containing dyes. Saves color and provides leather waterproof. Makes the skin soft to the touch, helps prevent the erasure of the dye. Protects against burnout. It gives the surface of a matte or glossy look (depending on which you buy). For all types of natural and synthetic smooth leather. Not suitable for suede and nubuck.

Appretuer first scolding. After a small amount of a small amount on the sponge and evenly distribute over the entire surface or nano with the help of the aerogrof. I give to dry the treated (approximately 2 hours). If necessary, wean the second layer. It is possible to mix apretur (matte and glossy) in the necessary proportions. You can not apply not earlier than 12 hours after color.

Painting Skin, Restoration of Shoes

Voila! You can enjoy the updated and unique appearance of your shoes.

Success in creative work!

The author is Roman Smirnov.

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