It looks like this is just an old rusty cargo container, but it is only worth looking inside


Accommodation from old containers is an excellent opportunity to use what otherwise it would be discarded. Below are the most amazing houses from containers.

1. This house in Savannah (Georgia) was developed by the project team "Price Street Projects".

It looks like this is just an old rusty cargo container, but it is only worth looking inside

Light, modest and modern ... But the most interesting thing is that all this is made of containers!

It looks like this is just an old rusty cargo container, but it is only worth looking inside

It is hard to believe that such a chic house is built from a old container. But despite this, the data of the houses allow you to re-use containers, instead of throwing them out.

It looks like this is just an old rusty cargo container, but it is only worth looking inside

The area of ​​80 square meters consists of a bedroom, a bathroom, as well as spacious bright kitchen.

It looks like this is just an old rusty cargo container, but it is only worth looking inside

2. This modern house in Redondo Beach (USA) was also built of containers.

It looks like this is just an old rusty cargo container, but it is only worth looking inside

It seems like an ordinary house, but it is much creative than the rest.

It looks like this is just an old rusty cargo container, but it is only worth looking inside

One wall can be even folded up and enjoying nature.

It looks like this is just an old rusty cargo container, but it is only worth looking inside

This house is located in a calm place on the shore of Los Angeles. Inside it four bedrooms, three and a half bathrooms and even a spacious living room with a fireplace.

3. This cozy hut is located in the Canadian province of Quebec.

It looks like this is just an old rusty cargo container, but it is only worth looking inside

Architect Bernard Maurina required seven containers to create a symmetrical work of art. Inside there are four bedrooms, and the whole house has a total area of ​​320 square meters.

4. And this house in El Tiembled (Spain) consists of four containers.

It looks like this is just an old rusty cargo container, but it is only worth looking inside

It is so diverse and spacious!

It looks like this is just an old rusty cargo container, but it is only worth looking inside

The house was developed by the studio "James & Mau Arquitectura", and built by Infiniski.

It looks like this is just an old rusty cargo container, but it is only worth looking inside

Six months and 140,000 euros needed to build this house with an area of ​​220 square meters.

It looks like this is just an old rusty cargo container, but it is only worth looking inside

5. This house in the Mojave desert is simply great.

It looks like this is just an old rusty cargo container, but it is only worth looking inside

Containers give the ceiling a special "industrial" charm.

6. This housing in Flagstaff (Arizona) is built of six containers.

It looks like this is just an old rusty cargo container, but it is only worth looking inside

In it concrete floors and walnut inserts.

It looks like this is just an old rusty cargo container, but it is only worth looking inside

Amazing how much everything seems compatible!

It looks like this is just an old rusty cargo container, but it is only worth looking inside

Such a modern equipment in a simple drawer from corrugated metal is initially difficult to assume.

It looks like this is just an old rusty cargo container, but it is only worth looking inside

And the crown of everything is a roof terrace! Who would have thought that this could all be made of such simple materials?!

It looks like this is just an old rusty cargo container, but it is only worth looking inside

This fashion walks into one leg with ecological architecture. Such projects are an excellent example, as creativity can turn something completely ordinary in something magnificent.

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