Do you think this is an ordinary rose? No matter how


At the beginning of the last century, Argentina came up with a special mixture of corn starch, glue, oil and glycerin, which is called "Cold Porcelain".

Do you think this is an ordinary rose? No matter how

Ways to make cold china set. The easiest of them is called "mastic".

For him we will need:

  • 1/4 cup of food soda,
  • 1/4 cups of corn starch (you can take potato, but the mass will be grayish);
  • 1/4 cup of water.
  1. All mixed well and put in a frying pan with teflon coating.
  2. The mixture to put on a small fire, constantly stirring, literally a minute after a minute of soda will be hung and the lumps will begin to form. After a couple of minutes, the mixture will turn into one large lump, which will easily move away from the frying pan. Here you need to turn off and shift the future porcelain on the towel.
  3. Wait when the mass will cool down a bit, and mix like ordinary dough. To the hands, the mixture should not adhere. Sculpt better to start immediately as soon as the mass cools.

A mixture can be used by any paints - food, acrylic, even lipstick.

Products from such a porcelain are not cracking, do not crumble and dry at room temperature during the day. Do not store in the refrigerator.

Do you think this is an ordinary rose? No matter how

A bouquet of porcelain will never start.

Do you think this is an ordinary rose? No matter how

From cold porcelain, you can make original floral pots.

Do you think this is an ordinary rose? No matter how

Candlestick, winged from cold porcelain.

Do you think this is an ordinary rose? No matter how

The original plander from cold porcelain.

Do you think this is an ordinary rose? No matter how

From the porcelain, you can cut butterflies and decorate with them.

Do you think this is an ordinary rose? No matter how

Cute porcelain hares.

Do you think this is an ordinary rose? No matter how

Cute lambs from porcelain.

Do you think this is an ordinary rose? No matter how

Figurines from cold porcelain.

Do you think this is an ordinary rose? No matter how

Sakura from a porcelain that adorns the house.

Do you think this is an ordinary rose? No matter how

A whole basket of bright porcelain poppies.

Do you think this is an ordinary rose? No matter how

An incredibly realistic rose from a cold porcelain.

Do you think this is an ordinary rose? No matter how

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