He managed to realize a cherished summer dream. Pool from ordinary boxes


In the summer heat I want not only to dream of the pool, but also splashing in it. The idea proposed here is truly genius! After all, the personal pool is a solid amount of money, and the latter is the option than this, not to find ... The pool from ordinary wooden boxes is cheap, you can make it yourself. Even if you were never engaged in the construction of a mini-pool, you still succeed! The minimum of consumables and the most positive effect. Let the summer turn into a real holiday!

To create a summer basin from wooden boxes you will need:

  • disassembled boxes;
  • straps fixators or other fasteners;
  • oilcloth;
  • towels;
  • felt or any other soft material for interior decoration;
  • boards;
  • Bamboo panels or any other exterior panels.

1. Waste a tarpaulin on the intended pool area. Boxes lay out in a circle and scruff.

He managed to realize a cherished summer dream. Pool from ordinary boxes

2. Here, for a reliable connection of the boxes, belts were used.

He managed to realize a cherished summer dream. Pool from ordinary boxes

3. The inner part of the pool is covered with felt and stuck with towels.

He managed to realize a cherished summer dream. Pool from ordinary boxes

4. A large piece of oilcloth or tarpaulter is needed in order to inside them in the pool.

He managed to realize a cherished summer dream. Pool from ordinary boxes

5. Outside the pool, bamboo panels.

He managed to realize a cherished summer dream. Pool from ordinary boxes

6. Design prepared! It remains to add water ...

He managed to realize a cherished summer dream. Pool from ordinary boxes

Have you always wanted to have a personal pool? Now he is within your reach ...

He managed to realize a cherished summer dream. Pool from ordinary boxes

Someone this idea may seem stupid ... But I would not have done hasty conclusions. Make this pool smaller, for children, exactly! Check its practicality and reliability. And then you can be accepted for the construction of big! Materials are available and inexpensive, savings unprecedented. So what about the business!

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