Owl - keeper keys


Next, the words of the author:

How to make owl Klyuter, than to decorate the hallway, crafts from the cast material. From what to make owls do it yourself, how to make owls with your own hands, Owl in the interior,

For birth, or rather, to rebirth garbage, we will need:

Material: a piece of plywood 30x20, a piece of blackboard, a cardboard is thin from any packaging, two caps from milk, two nuts, two screws, 4 clips stationery, spring, blister from tablets, tape, three hooks, pva glue, glue titanium, contour.

Tool: adhesive gun, nippers, spice, pliers, scissors (better with rounded ends), jigsaw, knife stationery, screwdriver and rolled.

Another box of patience and good mood))))

P ° (1) (520x390, 132Kb)

Immediately, so that there were no difficulties, I will tell, those who do not know what the contour is. For example, I until recently did not know about him and with joy discovered this convenient tool. I was recommended by such a composition that was written in the photo. Everything is simple. For what it will be needed will be visible a little later.

Well, that ... flew towards our forest beauty)))


P ° (2) (360x480, 140Kb)

The first difficulty arose straight from the first steps))) I do not do it myself, so I use the drawings of other people, for which they thank you so much))) But this time I did not find a picture that I would like. I had to create a drawing, more precisely already sketch from pieces of different drawings using photoshop. Eyes from one, wings and body from another, the key from the third, eyebrows from the fifth, etc.)))) As a result, such a miracle Yudo came out)))) We carry our drawing on the plywood.


P ° (3) (520x390, 156kb)

Drink a jigsaw. To whom it is difficult with the plywood, you can make everything from the cardboard, several layers of cardboard glue, so that there is a solid base, and did not chlo it with wings with every breeze))))

From the board 2 cm with a thickness of 2 cm. Who will do on a cardboard basis, then you will need to come up with how to fix the hooks. You can see how Elena Francevich did, for example.


P ° (4) (520x390, 114Kb)

Drills on plywood holes, for fasteners of a wooden key. On the back side using Zenker (he in the photo), we make conical grooves for hats of self-tapping screws. The zenker is inserted into the screwdriver as the usual drill.


P ° (5) (520x390, 118Kb)

When everything is ready, smear any glue (PVA, TITAN, carpenter) and ...


P ° (6) (520x390, 150kb)

.... fasten the key on your place. It is possible, of course, not to be excluded with self-drawing, leave just on the glue, but the glue has a property to divert with time, so I excluded this opportunity for him. Everything, our foundation is ready. We take a file, a feet, skin and correct those places where there are chips, the inaccuracies of the coincidence of the key with the plywood, etc. so that everything we have beautifully))))


P ° (7) (520x390, 116kb)

Now we begin to revive))) there was the second stage of my stupor. How best to make the body? Make it volumetric or not, of paper or foam? And feathers? And the wings? ..... I just didn't go crazy from different options))))))) As a result, I decided that heavily protruding details will be interpreted in use, the keys will constantly hurt them. So that I took the tray in which greens, cheese, sausage chopped, etc. are packaged. This material is easily cut by a knife, but there is one drawback. It is impossible to recharge the picture. None through a copy, nor through the track I did not come out, so I made punctures through the drawing, and then on these points already painted the silhouette with a handle. The handle writes very well on it. Now, cut out the body.


P ° (8) (520x390, 107Kb)

Cut a slightly edge to round our shapes slightly)))


P ° (9) (520x390, 112Kb)

Glue this form on your place. Here I used the glue Titan, why I do not know, I just did not rush anywhere)) pasted and put it on the sideline, but I myself took the feathers))) You can, of course, glue and on a gun.


P ° (10) (520x390, 131kb)

With feathers, there is nothing complicated here, but there are small tricks, because of which you will not have to take the collection of puzzles, losing a precious time))) It all starts like this - copy each Pyryshko to the cardboard separately and after the feather is transferred to the cardboard , Tyoving themselves at the top of each stick a small supply. It is necessary in order to create a slope of feathers. Cut all blanks from cardboard more convenient for all scissors with curved edges, it turns out evenly.


P ° (11) (520x390, 137Kb)

Now about tricks. It is necessary to numbered all the feathers in the picture. Rooms on wings should not be similar, otherwise you are confused. I made on the left wing from 1 to 13 on the other from 101 to 113. On the ponytte's ponyth, it is difficult to confuse them with feathers from the wings, so there is no member again from 1 to 15. And accordingly, all these numbers immediately apply to copied feathers on the cardboard . It is not difficult, but it will very help to quickly decompose on the table, everything is in order.


P ° (12) (520x390, 99Kb)

Now we decide on the table by numbers all our pynes and begin to glue. I glued to the gluery glue, it's the type of PVA, only it is more to glue the tree and quickly dries, after about 5 minutes it is already grabbed, but there is time to move the feathers, because in the process of sticking it is necessary to bring someone. Of course, you can glue and on the titanium too. Just here is so long with the pynes, and my pistol dripping, and I'm still the Kurkoga, I feel so it's a pity that the glue will flow)))) Although I collect all the droplets and then stick on the crafts, but still, the case of the principle ))))


P ° (13) (520x390, 143Kb)

Now turn ... How to call him ... Call chtoli)))) Well, I understand what I mean))) the same scheme. Copy on the cardboard, cut out.


P ° (14) (520x390, 113Kb)

Now the beak. Beak, I did not come up with nothing better, just how to cut it out of wood. For me, this is the simplest)))) I took a piece of the window of the window and the knife shot. You can probably make it from paper.


P ° (15) (520x356, 70Kb)

Glue all blanks based on.


P ° (16) (520x390, 131kb)

Overcrowdral I decided to decorate a little, so I cut out the same hollow out of the cardboard and cut it into three parts. I, honestly, cut each separately, but so that it was easier to cut four identical hoppers at once. So it will be more accurate and easier. When we cut out the threaters into three parts, we cut a little more, so that the distance was formed between them.


P ° (17) (520x390, 95Kb)

Glue them into place.


P ° (18) (520x390, 140Kb)

Now the head. There were also several options, but the most successful and rapid turned out to be. We take the usual hole punch and from the same cardboard they cut the same rounds, which in size straight one in one approached))))


P ° (19) (360x480, 132Kb)

And on the principle of scales, glue them, on our wise head)))) No, no ... not on my head))), but on the owl)))) What are you right ... I need an eye for you)))) )))))))))) More cards)))


P ° (20) (520x390, 128Kb)

Taurus with piglery joy decided to puncture a blister from the tablets. Why with piglery joy? Because I was so much formed so much, and I could not fit them somewhere)))) Blister from small pills, I won't write them the name, I do not want. Money still, these zhotmaporporates will not be allowed for advertising, so let them rejoice that they can still sell their tablets at ragen prices))) lyrical retreat))) So .... Highly cut every blister, leaving the tail is small. Then rest ... I do not know how you, ... But I personally worried, while they cut them out)))))))


P ° (21) (520x390, 149Kb)

We stick them on the body.


P ° (22) (520x390, 158kb)

It's time ... I don't know again how to call them ... Well, let's call their eyebrows)))) We will make them from a paper clinch or any wire. We begin with the help of pliers here in such paint eyebrows healing))))))))))) Sorry, broke out)))))))) And glue to the gun.


P ° (23) (520x390, 115Kb)

So that they do not look a piece of wire, we rush them with scotch. It is possible to apply a pistol to the base. You can enclose paper. Then, on the eyebrows themselves, I hid a strip gun for giving volume.


P ° (24) (520x390, 109Kb)

Let's return to our hopper. We look at the place where the allegedly stitched wings will be visible. Sillet skew holes.


P ° (25) (520x390, 134Kb)

From wire or paper clips, we cut our "threads" in size and stick them into place.


P ° (26) (520x390, 146kb)

With the help of the contour we draw a ripples. Do not look at the color of my contour, he must be white in the idea, but I did not have a putty at hand and I fell asleep instead of it grouting for tiles, and how it was already clear that she had a black shade)) Well, it does not affect the result, There are ripples, and we need it.


P ° (27) (520x390, 169Kb)

Now the eyes. They make them from two plugs from dairy packages. It is possible from ordinary traffic jams, but they will have to trim, probably, although it may be fine, you need to try))) I stopped at such. Cut them with mastocks across the entire circumference and in the place where it will lay down to the beak, cut off at all. So it will be more densely to the beak. Well, on the gun glue them into place. I cut out in the plugs of the hole so that the glue is better cluckging for them.


P ° (28) (520x390, 94Kb)

We glide two wrenches and at the same time until the glue grabbed, we insert the screws in them.


P ° (29) (520x390, 166Kb)

We take a spring or two springs, and make a cilia from it around. Glue over the beak made bulges moving on their eyebrows for giving volume. Downstairs did something type of collar or beard, that they have birds there)))))))


P ° (30) (520x390, 157Kb)

Here, there are clearly visible bulbs on the eyebrows.


P ° (31) (520x390, 109Kb)

Now the paws. I also thought for a long time, whether to round them or leave them or so. I decided to leave so, just give the volume with glue. Initially flooded the whole leg. As soon as the glue froze, the embossed of the convexity near the claws ... as it is called there in people ... Cut is chtoli)))) Here are the words I know, you see - this influence of the wise owl is already happening))))))) And the claws themselves did so . Let's squeeze the glue and pull it away, holding it on the Wisen and blow, blow, blow from all squeezes))))))))) so that the glue quickly cooled and allowed to make the claw hung from the key. A smooth claw to make it immediately with glue will not work, do not try))))) At this stage you need to achieve one that glue froze, hanging from the key. It is advisable to make a thickness of a little more than you need. Then we take the scissors or nippers are small and they already attach a beautiful shape. Then the ones hanging the uneven edges, we take a varnish and begin to paint ... oh .. ... it is not, no ... we don't need it)))))) We do the owl, and not a girl)))))) for claws it will be enough )))


P ° (32) (520x390, 155Kb)

Now we decorate our key with the ornament so that it looks a little more interesting, after painting.


P ° (33) (520x390, 134Kb)

And here there is still a seal from the dairy bag and glued))))


P ° (34) (520x383, 141kb)


P ° (35) (520x390, 145Kb)

We take these hooks, in the construction store bought 3 rubles per piece. Expensive, of course, I would give the ruble twenty, no more)))))))) But the saleswoman refused, I had to take three)))))))) We deplorable holes in the key, slightly smaller diameter ....


P ° P ° (520x390, 109kb)

... and screw them into place. You can add glue into the hole for reliability.


P ° P ° (1) (520x390, 127kb)

The contour on each pyryshka is drawing crosses or bulges. After all the procedures, here such birds have hatched))))))))) Yes, I also stuck a stroke, did not like how the pynes look at the tail. She, of course, also looks not perfect ... But she no longer ripped out)))


P ° P ° (2) (520x390, 169kb)


P ° P ° (3) (520x390, 172kb)

For mounting to the wall, two holes for self-tapping screws drilled in the wings.


P ° P ° (4) (520x390, 112kb)

Well, we have flown with you to the "trifle" place))))))) We take a black kel and the soot of our wise thieves))))


P ° P ° (5) (520x390, 101Kb)

Better twice as practice shows)))


P ° P ° (6) (520x390, 84Kb)

We make bronze paint ancient scuff and ...


P ° P ° (7) (520x390, 180kb)

... and ....


P ° P ° (8) (520x390, 137kb)

... and cover lacquer! I don't-eat)))) ... You know that I just don't know how I need, I need to breathe the soul in the creation)))) lay in it, something good, warm, gives a smile to everyone who looked On a visit to the aunt's owl))))) And today we have a wise owl today, so the reverse side was decorated with a good and wise poem)))) Unfortunately, I could not find who his author. If you know, write, I will bring the name of the author. But my teacher and mentor, thanks to which I began to make a crash of the garbage, whose name is Lena trivia)))) suggested the name of the author, more precisely the authors. That's what the real faithful friend does))) So now it is known that the poems are written by Netunayevaya V.I. And E.G. Thank you dear my man for your help)))) Paper is made up of dipping in coffee. The edges are burned.


P ° P ° (9) (520x390, 126kb)

We can glue on PVA, wait until dried up and now you can cover everything with varnish.


P ° P ° (10) (520x390, 126kb)

That's all the creation. Now, disassemble the warm blankets, I see you have a little squeeze in me in the autumn forest. Everything? All enough? Very good))) Now send back to your hemps, I will already hear the wonderful aroma of hot tea cooked in a samovar, on fir bumps .... Mmm ... .. What is it tasty! Seek soon, have not yet cooled. There's a dried berry and fruits in the braid, take feel free to))) And in the meantime, the owl fucking, flying to you)))) will show yourself from all sides)))) flew!


P ° P ° (11) (520x390, 189kb)


P ° P ° (12) (520x390, 177Kb)


P ° P ° (13) (520x390, 184kb)


P ° P ° (14) (520x390, 219kb)


P ° P ° (15) (520x390, 216kb)


P ° P ° (16) (520x390, 172kb)


P ° P ° (17) (520x390, 215Kb)


P ° P ° (18) (520x390, 241kb)


P ° P ° (19) (360x480, 316Kb)


P ° P ° (20) (520x390, 209Kb)


P ° P ° (21) (520x390, 219kb)


P ° P ° (22) (520x390, 219kb)


P ° P ° (23) (520x390, 197Kb)


How to make owl Klyuter, than to decorate the hallway, crafts from the cast material. From what to make owls do it yourself, how to make owls with your own hands, Owl in the interior,


How to make owl Klyuter, than to decorate the hallway, crafts from the cast material. From what to make owls do it yourself, how to make owls with your own hands, Owl in the interior,


How to make owl Klyuter, than to decorate the hallway, crafts from the cast material. From what to make owls do it yourself, how to make owls with your own hands, Owl in the interior,


How to make owl Klyuter, than to decorate the hallway, crafts from the cast material. From what to make owls do it yourself, how to make owls with your own hands, Owl in the interior,


How to make owl Klyuter, than to decorate the hallway, crafts from the cast material. From what to make owls do it yourself, how to make owls with your own hands, Owl in the interior,


How to make owl Klyuter, than to decorate the hallway, crafts from the cast material. From what to make owls do it yourself, how to make owls with your own hands, Owl in the interior,

Author - Eugene shop.

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