Old Jeans - New Bag


I spied this idea in the next Japanese magazine. And I'll tell you a little and show how I sewed a bag of old jeans.

So, there are jeans.

Cut off the top of jeans to a height of 24 cm.

Old Jeans - New Bag

Now we also sew a strip of patchwork 13 cm wide and a length corresponding to the length of the bottom of the cut jeans. Of course, you can also make a monophonic strip of fabric. But I decided to make it from the flasks. Firstly, it looks so more interesting, in second and second, there is a reason to get rid of the smallest tissue waste. True, I went to the easier way and made such a "lazy" patchwork: cut out the basis of the usual white bosal (my strip size 13 x 66 cm) and simply imposed on top of the loskutka of different sizes. Like this.

Old Jeans - New Bag

And then it matched these patchworks with each other with an elastic line of contrasting thread. It turned out such a patchwork strip.

Old Jeans - New Bag

Now, sew the short sides of this strip. I also sewed them with an elastic line. It turns out such a cuff with one seam. We feed this "cuff" to the lower edge of jeans.

Old Jeans - New Bag

Old Jeans - New Bag

Pretty weeping seam. And we tighten it on the front side.

Old Jeans - New Bag

Old Jeans - New Bag

Now we measure the resulting handbag on top, bottom and side sides. According to the resulting measurements we cut the lining. It will turn out in the form of a trapezoid. The lower part can be carved without a seam, just beating the fabric in half so that the lower part falls on the fold. Lining still leave alone and sew the bottom edge of the handbag, after turning it inside out. Now we put an angle and measure 2.5 cm. So.

Old Jeans - New Bag


Old Jeans - New Bag

And cut off too much.

Old Jeans - New Bag

We do the same with another angle. Turn the bag. Now the bottom looks like this.

Old Jeans - New Bag

From the cut sliced, we cut the handle handles. Length and width arbitrary. How best to like it. I roamed one handle with a length of 140 cm and a width of 5 cm.

Old Jeans - New Bag

Now put the finished lining in the bag and take or rush it to the bottom of the belt from the wrong side.

Old Jeans - New Bag

It remains only to sew lining. I sewed it manually. There were no suitable needles for the car. So I did not want to break the existing ones.))) The result is.

Old Jeans - New Bag

The handles could be seeded and together with the lining. But I simply tied my handle to the bonds on the belt.))) That's all! The new original bag is ready!

Old Jeans - New Bag

Old Jeans - New Bag

Go to walk it!

Old Jeans - New Bag

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