If a little boil the sticks from ice cream, you can make a wonderful decoration


Sticks from ice cream - very simple, but multifaceted diverse material. You may even be admitted from them the houses and boxes in childhood, but since then did not even remember the form of creativity. Well, it's time to take a stack of sticks and again engage in entertaining handwork. You will not believe, but boil them in the water, you can create bracelets from ordinary sticks! And our instructions will help you do everything right and quickly.

To begin with, put sticks in a saucepan with boiling water for an hour. It will make them plastic and soft.


As soon as the sticks become pins, put them in the container or jar, as shown in the photo.


Leave them in the sun for a whole day so that the material is dry. Then get the sticks - you need to get the perfect round basics under the bracelets.


Decorate the workpiece at your request.


Bracelets in the photo are decorated with double-sided ribbon.

Decorations fasten with glue for blending.


Excellent result!


These are pretty bracelets. Sticks from ice cream are very cheap material, and you can make an incredible amount of jewelry. Such crafts will be excellent souvenir not only for a child, but also for an adult.

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